Momo Sawada

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since Dec 10, 2010
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Recent posts by Momo Sawada

ohhhhh... okay... i finally understuud it... i changed the 0 to i...THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
13 years ago
hi again!!! and thank you to all who have helped me in my queries past...
and sorry if i made a bad title on my last topic...

i've currently given up in cell rendering... so i used setRowSelection this time... but my problem is that my program highlights all rows prior and including the row i've searched.... i've tried all the ways i could think of, but nothing comes out...

so, how can i make it so that the program only highlights the row i've searched???
thank you very very much!!!

13 years ago
i think its the location of the object... if i'm not mistaken... i once tried to display an array without iterating through it and its what i got...or something like that..
13 years ago
ohhhhh.. i see... thank you very much.... my program worked!!! thanks you!!!
13 years ago
hello... i got a problem with my jtable... it doesn't display the column headings although it displays the table.... and why does it throw a cannotFindSymbolMethod setBackground....??? i think i imported the required packages and classes,.. i can't seem to see the real problem here..

anyway, please, can anyone help me???

thank you very much!!!
13 years ago
hello... i'm here again.. thanks for everybody who helped my so far...
i've got a new problem... just started using some features of javax.swing.. and i'm just confused..or rather i don't know... why the column headings of my JTable won't appear...


thank you!!!
13 years ago

Rob Spoor wrote:Obviously down is 0, because that's the only divisor. What value for "n" and "r" are you using?

umm... the user inputs 'n' and 'r'... then the program parses its.. and the integer 'under' is 'n-r'...
14 years ago
hi again... i/ve got a problem with my code... i don't know why it says on the error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at permutation.main(


can anyone help me please??
thank you!!!
14 years ago
oh... i see... thank you!!! i finally had my program running!!! Thank you very much!!!
14 years ago
at line 67... i tried using it to get the index of the found element and replacing it with another in the same index....
14 years ago
hello once again... i have a problem with my indexOf method.... i dont know why... it said in the API i can use it with the util. package.. but it doesn't run... can anyone help me please???
its at line 67...

thank you very much!!!
14 years ago
hahaha... yeah..
and thanks... i've finally done with it a few days ago...(sorry for my late reply...)
and thank you to all who replied here!!! i really appreciate it!!!
14 years ago
i don't know what to do with my code.... lol..
i think i read the algorithm... i tried..(and i think failed) in making what i would like to do...

here goes...

14 years ago
Hi everyone!!! i stumbled upon another problem... i was searching online for information about converting postfix to infix notation... i think i got the infix to postfix now... but i just can't get enough information on how to convert postfix notation to infix notation... i don't even know the algorithm or pseudocode.... can't find online... all i could find was infix to postfix...
can anyone please help me???
like a good reading material about the topic, or a sample code, or a good source... i tried yahoo... but couldn't find any... and even on google... i've been online for a few hours now... *sigh!*
Thank you very much!!!
14 years ago
ohhhh... i get your meaning...
Thanks you!!!
oh, and i just wanted to put the system exits because i want the program to exit without me pressing the stop activate tool...
14 years ago