Tim Holloway wrote:I think 1000-2000 words is the generally-accepted number needed to know to communicate well in most languages with 5000-10000 making you fluent.
Dave Tolls wrote:
Tim Holloway wrote:"Visage"
Or you are refrring to an early 80s electro-pop band.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:
All real words; some of them however are used rarely.Knute Snortum wrote:They're a little bookish. . . .
Liutauras Vilda wrote:This is exactly what I meant.
Liutauras Vilda wrote:
Jan de Boer wrote:I now wonder if I should tell this is one of the reasons I am leaving.
Tim Holloway wrote:The reason I don't have much love for aptitude tests. Too often, they assume that there is only one "correct" answer.