Aamir Chaudhry

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since Dec 10, 2001
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Recent posts by Aamir Chaudhry

Guys MIDP2.0 beta 1 has been released that support https and certificate signing and athentication. so you can check this out;
look under "Secure Networking" section and you will find some sample-code (downloadable).
22 years ago
Well if you don't have "Direct to Net" on your Palm, then you can simply create it by typing that in front of Service tab. it will add this new Service into list. 2ndly, it doesn't matter whether you use "Direct to Net" or "Windows RAS" or some one else, it works fine. Then leave user name and password empty. In Connection tab select "Direct Serial" or you can create your own Connection type but follow the guide lines given in that article, i sent.
22 years ago

The article u send is very help ful but i can find the Mocha PPP software.

i guess you meant that you _can't_ find Mocha PPP... right? if thats the case, you can download it from http://www.mochasoft.dk/download.html#palm.
i tested it myself with windows 2000 and it worked fine for me. If you have any other question, feel free to ask.
22 years ago
i think you need to explain a litle bit more about your environment and configurations you are using. But anyway, check this out....
hope this helps
22 years ago
i'm using windows XP. i just found out that POSE is trying to hit this IP, which is Palm Proxy Server. so for every Http connection call, it tries to talk with Palm Proxy Server.
Is there any way that i can disable or bypass this
Proxy stuff and establish an Http connection without Palm Proxy Server? OR is there any alternative for this? OR can i simulate this Palm Proxy Server on my local machine?

Thanks in advance for your help
22 years ago
i tried that approach but it seems that it is going onto the Internet and it requires my Gateway to the Internet. Just wondering, why is it going onto the network i.e. Internet? what is it looking for on the Internet?
In short, is it necassary to have an Internet access for a j2me Client/Server application (client running on pose) to talk through Http
Connection? Are there other ways to do/simulate the same thing without Internet access?
thanks in advance for you help
22 years ago
i'm facing a problem whiling running a j2me App (built in WSDD) on Palm Emulator. Actually that app is trying to communicate with a servlet, that is running on same machine (i.e. making http connection). When the network is enabled, it works fine, but when network is disabled (no internet, no LAN),it doesn't.
In Palm Emulator Properties, i've checked that box i.e. "Redirect Netlib calls to TCP/IP host", also i tried different Redirect options like using
COM1 and Localhost ( but still same problem. So can anyone please help me, how to run that application on _StandAlone_ computer, without any internet or LAN? This is really urgent and important, so i'll REALLY appreciate any help.
22 years ago
yeah, following is the code that talks to GPS thru serial port and it works fine for me
Note: i'm using IBM's Web Sphere Deveice Developer
private void connect() {
int ch;
InputStreamReader isr;
StreamConnection srlConn;
private final String protocol = "comm:0;baudrate=4800;bitsperchar=8;stopbits=1;parity=none;autorts=on;autocts=on;blocking=on";

try {
if(srlConn == null)
srlConn = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(specs, access, false);
if(isr == null)
isr = new InputStreamReader(srlConn.openInputStream());
} catch(IOException e) {}

while(true) {
try{ch = isr.read();}
catch(IOException ioe) {
// if ioe error = serial error line error then Ignore and continue;
// else break;
// other code goes here

22 years ago
hi guys,
is there anyone who can explain me, which implementation of of MIDP is better n how? Ibm's WSDD Vs Sun's j2meWtk ..... J9 Vs kvm ? what are the pros n cons of each implementation?
quick response wud be much appreciated
22 years ago
well i've read in different Forums like JGuru and even in this Forum there are some posted-messages that tell you to use inethttp instead of http, and yes they also say that it's something specific to PalmVIIx (which has builtin wireless modem). i agree that may be MIDP4Palm has been modified to behave like normal http.
But i've noted some thing while using MIDP4Palm, i can't get the "ContentType" and "ContentLenght" in my MIDlet runnin' on Real Palm, thu it works fine on Emulator, dunno why? does any one know that?
P.S. Micheal what are the Wireless Service Providers other than Palm.Net? Which one you use for wireless Apps?
22 years ago
Hi Everybody,
i'm a bit confused abt inethttp and http. i've read every where that PalmVIIx supports inethttp instead of http BUT when i use inethttp, i get "ConnectionNotFoundException:unsupported protocol:inethttp" and when i use http it works fine for me. Remember i made this test on Real Palm.
i dunno what to say now!
22 years ago
hey u know what? i got it runnin' very fast , now it takes only 1/2 sec to download 1024 bytes instead of 84 sec.
The reason was, when you read byte by byte it takes tooo long i.e. 84 sec But if you read in chunk of bytes like 1024, it just takes 1/2 sec, this is kinda weired thu, bcus there shudn't be soo much difference. but neways, finally, i got it
22 years ago
Micheal thanks for your response. By "Read Time" i mean "Time it takes to read the Data from Input Stream" and i measured that time by capturing the time b4 calling Read method and time when it ends Reading i.e. EOF, then difference of these two times is the "Read Time".
Read Time = (Time when EOF occurs) - (Time b4 calling Read method)
Also, i've tested it by simulating TCP/IP Serial Line, and the Read Time(Download Time) was abt 1.5 sec instead of 84 sec. As you said that it might be the Server which is respondin' slow, and that makes sense to me as well. Could you please tell me, is there any 3rd party Server(s) where i can deploy my servlet to conclude this performace issue?
22 years ago
Michael, if you see the very 1st message, i posted, you will come to know that the Average Parsing time is abt 2.4 sec and Data Downloading(Reading from Stream) is actually taking too much time.
Could you plz guide me how to "Simulate a TCP/IP network from Serial Line?" Also is there any Wireless Network Provider other than Palm.Net which i can use for better performance?
22 years ago
Well i have performed those tests with both nanoXML and kXML on REAL Palm VIIx Handheld, and i'm using Palm.Net wireless Service. While using nanoXML Read Time was 84 sec and with kXML(wap binary), it was 24 sec. Parsing time is kinda same for both parsers. Also, only Connection setup is taking abt 5 sec............
yeah i do agree that it's ghastly times, that's what i was wonderin' too. So wud you plz tell me, how can i improve this performance?
22 years ago