chanveil Kiji

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since Dec 30, 2010
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I am using HttpURLCOnnection class to post a data to a url(which is a web service). The webservice accepts data as text/xml.

Following is the code snippet i used:

URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection conn =(HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String urlStr="param1="URLEncoder.encode(value1)"¶m2="+URLEncoder.encode(value2)
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());
InputStream in2 = conn.getInputStream();

But when i execute the code, I am getting following error at the line(InputStream in2 = conn.getInputStream()(IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL

Can someone please suggest a solution. Am i missing something here?

Thanks in advance
I am having trouble in passing < symbol as a command line argument. I have to pass file name after that < symbol from which my program will take the input.
but when i pass this and print all the command line paramters in the main function it does not print < than sign and any argument that is written after that.....

But when i pass the arguments using netbeans IDE by setting the project properties it works perfectly.

here is the command i am using to run the program....

java EightPuzzle -s BreadthFirst < file_that_takes_14_moves_to_solve

the file name "file_that_takes_14_moves_to_solve" and < than symbol is not printed when i pass it through command line.... but it does when i pass it through netbeans by setting the project properties......

any help will be highly appreciated.

13 years ago
Hi Friends,

I need some help in removing the duplicates from a xml file using the Excel Spreadsheet. The xml Im using does not have any schema.
Can some one please let me know the steps.

Thanks a lot.
I am displaying delivery information in xml report.
I have to email the output in pdf.
Here i have to email the entire file. i am not bursing on each delivery. the output file will have more that 1 delivery details.

can any one tell me how to do this ?

I currently have a website that was thrown together w/o planning and I am now trying to begin organizing it a little better. The issue I'm having is that I want to move some of the pages into subdirectories, but other pages (such as the main page) will still remain in the root directory. I have a directory called includes that holds the header file, footer file, and navigation files which are included in all pages within the site. My problem is that when I am on a page within the root directory, or a page within the sub directory, the path's need to be different for the links and image files.

For instance, if a page in the root directory is displayed to link to another page I can just link to "example.php", but if i'm on a page within a subdirectory the link needs to be "../example.php".

Only using one file to hold all the link information, is there a simple way to do this?
14 years ago
hi there,
this is just a question regarding possible php errors being displayed, wether it would be possible at all to replace the line breaks with \n and remove the html tags - so they can be written to a javascript document to be alerted in the browser instead of viewing source every time?
all opinions and beliefs regarding this are welcome... i have tried to google_lt.gif on this, and came up with a bunch of useless results! (php error remove line break) :/
unfortunately i can't see how changing this would return the results i seek
14 years ago
I'm trying to make a div that is hidden at the top of a page until you click support, and then it slides out. I've got this working fine in FF, but in IE it's really choppy. I don't really have any idea why other than the fact that it's the way IE handles JS. Does anyone have any thoughts on how I can go about trouble shooting this?
I am building a calorie counter/calculator and I am stuck on carrying the variable over so that it accumulates total value (java/ajax).

So if you click on the letter A you will get a list of foods in the A group and as you modify the form you will increase your caloric value. If you choose a new food group the value is zero'd out.

I need the counter to accumulate all choices from all food options. any ideas?

I am a PHP coder and very very new to java and ajax.

FYI when you click on a letter, it calls (ajax) a .php script that generates the table based on the MySQL database.
I keep finding files being converted to encodings other then Unicode however XP's Windows Explorer does not have a detail column for showing the encoding of files in a directory. For those who are not sure what I'm talking about open a folder on XP (I do not use Vista or 7 and 90% of what I use in XP was removed in Vista and 95% removed in 7), click the view menu at the top, and then choose 'details' if it's not already set. In the details view of a folder if you right-click on the columns (Name, size, type, date modified in example) you can customize the columns however there are no columns for viewing the file encoding the files were saved as.

I'm wondering if there is a program (not the console/terminal) in Linux regardless of distro that would allow me to quickly/visually scan my directories for non-unicode code/text files?
14 years ago
hey guys!

I have a little problem with my Iphone 3g. When I first bought the phone it was already jailbreakd. When i got home i upgraded the phone to IOS 4.0 with Redsn0w.

after six months I found out that I would delete all the apps that were on the phone.
So i reset my iPhone to factory settings

Settings> General> Reset> Erase All Content and Setting

When i did this i lost my jailbreak and I do not know what software/IOS that was originally on the phone since I bought it unlockd. what to do?
14 years ago
No audio, well didnt have audio

Replaced the digitizer and screen 'it shattered'

Lost audio.

Replaced the lower speakerphone assembly and now I have audio intermittently, it sounds like something is grounding out in the phone like a loose wire or a ground that isn't well connected, any ideas as to what this could be?

I didn't replace those two screws near the dock assembly could that be it?


Random static and occasionally the phone will freeze up when it gets staticy and shut down.
14 years ago
Why is strtolower not working for some special characters as I have tested example one character: �.
It will not lower this ch. to �

Is this bug within PHP coded syntax?
14 years ago
I need to make a quick change to a page in our secure section (HTTPS) to have a link people can go to to check our terms of service. But it doesn't seem to want to accept any changes, no matter where I put them, the page remains the same before. Is this something the HTTPS is preventing? If so, how do I fix this? If not, what could the problem be then?
14 years ago
Something tells me this isn't possible. I am working on a script that prints two documents back to back onto a receipt printer from a webpage, and want to issue a "receipt cut" command in between printing these pages. The command is ESC d 1 or decimal 27, 100, 49. Maybe with javascript?
14 years ago
I'm going to develop a new php application where i can enable and disable some function or module. Need some advice on which php framework suitable.
14 years ago