Michel ten Voorde

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since Dec 30, 2010
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Recent posts by Michel ten Voorde

That's great news! Currently working my way through the Programmer I study guide. I have to say it's an excellent piece of work, very readable and well written.
Question to Scott and Jeanne: will there be a OCP 11 Programmer Practice Tests book, next to the study guides (just like OCA/OCP 8)?
Grab yourself K&B's latest book: SCJP6 Practice Exams. It did a great job for me, even making me doubt whether I would have passed the exam without it!
There are two problems with your code, and one of them is trivial. Hint: line 19.

Furthermore, try to understand what happens inside the if-branch (at line 9). Something is missing.
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Rob's code was meant to replace only line 15 and 16 of your code. That way, it should give run and return the output you'd expect.
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
Well done, congratulations!
14 years ago
I think nirjari's question is whether extending the Thread class implies having to implement the run() method. This is not the case, your extended class inherits the run() method which is already in the Thread class. I think you confuse the 2 ways of defining a thread:

1) Extend the Thread class and override the run() method.
2) Implement the Runnable interface and implement the run() method.
14 years ago
Most will advice Head First Java, but personally, I really don't like the Head First series. I'd advice Ivar Horton's Beginning Java.
14 years ago