Satish ece

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since Jan 05, 2011
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I am using struts2 for my project which implements i18n through following methods and tags:

But I want to have a custom implementation for i18n where in i would like to have the values for the keys to be read according to my custom implementation(e.g from HashMap) and not from the properties file.

The reason why I want to have custom implementation for i18n is because of the following :
a)There is a requirement to have an UI where the user will enter key/value pairs.
b)Once the user enters these values it must be reflected in the application.
For this we can generate the properties file with the user data from the UI. But this would require the following process to be executed:
a)The created properties file needs to be placed in the existing war file.
b)Application needs to be redeployed and restarted.
These things will have an impact on the production environment.

To achieve this i would like to know which would be the better approach:
a) Overriding the implementations of all the methods and tags implementing i18n.
b) Writing our own custom methods and custom tags to fetch values for the key according to our custom implementation.

Waiting for the feedback.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago