s choukse

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since Dec 12, 2001
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I have written a similar programs to evaluate dynamic rules for my application. The program breaks the input string into Operands and Operators. I have implemented the logic for each operator, considering both Binary and Unary Operator. As the input strinf is an Infix notation, implement logic to resolve it.

I think this is a school assignment level of a problem. So I would advice to put a little more effort solving the problem before posting it on the forum.

s choukse
19 years ago
I have read the reponses posted by all of you and I totally agree that a database sequence will provide the primary key to the table and will resolve this problem.

Having said that I would still not recommend the use of a Databse Sequence as an Unique Identifier. This is because a sequenece has no business significance and when modelling a database we should always model the actual business coz this will keep the schema "healthy" in the long run. I would recommend you should go for a composite primary key and using a database sequence should be the last resort.

Let me know your thoughts.
Use This to select all columns from both tables.
You will have to join the tables on proper columns to avoid cartesian product.

select tablename1.*, tablename2.* from tablename1, tablename2
where tablename1.col1 tablename2.col1;

Let me know.

s choukse
If you define a variable in any block of code then that variable is avilable inside that block and within all the blocks contained in that block.
For example:
int i;
i is accessable here
for loop
i is accessable here
i NOT is accessable here
Hope this explains.

s choukse
19 years ago
When I reverse engineer code from rational rose. All the attributes that are not primitive type are not displayed as Relations in the Class specification and not as Attributes. Now I have a lot of String objects as attributes in the claases that I need to display as Attributes and not Relations. Is there a way to achieve it ?

S Choukse
By now you must have understood that there is no eval function in Java as you might have used in Javascript. So you gotta right some code. Now the question is how.

The expression you have is a infix expression
Convert this expression to Postfix (lot of code available on net for this)
Evaluate this postfix expression (lot of code available on net for this too)..
Now you may implement any number of functions that your eval function will support.

I know this forum is for learning.. but if you still need others to do your homework .. we'll help ... but in the long run this will not help..
20 years ago
One tip for clean programming what I have learned in all these years in my job. Just list all the files in import and never use the
import pkg1.pkg11.*; notation.
Always use
import pkg1.pkg11.ClassA;
import pkg1.pkg12.ClassB;
import pkg1.ClassC;

it will make life easier and code understandable.
20 years ago
If you are using jdk 1.4.2 use <B>split</B> on String if you dont fancy using the StringTokenizer.

Buddy its really simple.. just use the damn StringTokenizer.
20 years ago
hey buddy ever heard of eMatrix, Kintana ?? read them. Two very good examples of workflow middlewares.
20 years ago
Buddy, either you need to type the questions correct or please specify the source. Most important please try the questions yourself before you post on the ranch.. atleast run the code once.
What is that you did not understand in this code. The code is pretty straight forward.
I am concidering that
1. The instead of was a typo.
2. The instead of was a typo.

To compile the code then true is an obvious answer.
If the above assuptions are incorrect and you got the code the way it is in your post then it will result in compilation error.

[ September 15, 2004: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
just add a default constructor to Class A .
20 years ago
I have a requirement where I have a Appworx scheduler on a Unix box .. and on the network I have a .exe file on Windows NT machine. Is there a way I can schedule it on Appworx.

20 years ago
You may like to consider this.
mainQuery.equals("q") will result in a NullPointerException if value of object "mainQuery" is null. It is always a good practice to compare in the following way
"sting literal".equals(sting_instance);
in you case
- Saurabh
20 years ago
Try poi1.5.1.jar.
20 years ago