I already have one hidden variable with name "dispatch" in the JSP page.
The entire JSP page works on the basis of some condition. For example, if the value of "dispatch" is "view", we get a non editable page, and if the value of dispatch is "edit" it will show the page in edit mode etc.
Now when we submit the page, the dispatch value being passed is "save". The validations are being done in the validate method of the form. So if the validation fails, it returns the control back to the JSP. But this time the value which was last submitted for dispatch was "Save".
My goal is to interpret, at the TOP of the JSP page, whether there are any validation errors or not, which i have already done. And if there are errors, then i need to change the value of "dispatch" from "Save" to "Edit" at the TOP in the JSP file, so that rest of the code is executed as per "Edit" condition and the page gets displayed in the "Edit" mode.
This varaiable named "dispatch" is a ActionForm variable as well as it is present in the request scope. I found that, one which the JSP page interprets is a request scope variable. I think, we can no way change values of variables present in request scope at runtime, while the request is being interpreted.
I also tried accessing ActionForm variable in the JSP by refferring it as myForm.dispatch, but even that does not work

. Here is one small code snippet....
I hope I answered your question. Trying to get rid of this problem, any help will be appreciated