K Abc

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since Jan 17, 2011
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I need to do JSP debugging in an older application that uses Tomcat 4.1 and jdk 1.4.1 This is running on Windows XP. I am using Eclipse 3.2.1. When Tomcat compiles the JSP page, it generates the Java file with the package name as "package org.apache.jsp;". But the actual directory structure under which the generated class is created is like "...Tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\AppName\main". When I try to do build using Eclipse, it is giving compilation error because it is expecting the package name to be "package org.apache.jsp.main;". What can I do to make Tomcat generate the proper package name withing the Java class and also to generate under the corresponding directory structure i.e. ""...Tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\AppName\org\apache\jsp\main"?

PS: The application works fine. But, I cannot do JSP debugging with Eclipse. I do not have this issue with Tomcat 5 as it generates the Java class without any issue with the package name and location.

Thanks for your help or any pointers you can provide.
14 years ago