Keith Rainey

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since Jan 19, 2011
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Auburn, GA, USA
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Recent posts by Keith Rainey

Greg Charles wrote:Tobias: It's not pronounced like it's spelled.
Buster: It's not the spelling that's worrying me.

I call shenanigans on First Cumming Methodist. I could believe First Coming though.

There actually is a town in Georgia (USA) called Cumming MAP..... about 20 minutes from where I live...
12 years ago
Congratulations on a a great score!
13 years ago
Take a look in the first section "What changes to the exams should I be aware of?"

DND's Removed

Fair enough. I stand corrected.

13 years ago
Take a look at the Android SDK manager. You will have some default modules which were installed with your SDK. You can download and install other modules which correspond to all the incremental releases of Android SDK.

When you create your project, you can specify a particular Android version to target.
13 years ago
Since Android development is done entirely in Java, you're going to need a working understanding of the language and concepts. Otherwise, you will have a difficult time understanding and implementing Android concepts.
Yes, Java has a lot of topics to learn. So does Android. You will need a good base in Java for the Android stuff to be meaningful, I think.

I know of no requirements for you to be associated with an employer. Part of the allure is that anyone capable of producing an Android app can distribute it. If you plan to take formal courses or purchase books or other study materials, an employer may cover the costs if the training and material will benefit them.

13 years ago
You definitely need to gain an understanding of the basic concepts of OOP: classes, objects, methods, instance variables, etc. Everything in Java is based on those concepts.

Essentially, you are dealing with "things" (objects) and the things they can do (methods) and the information they hold (instance variables).

The 'sense in it' is that's the way Java works.

If you can formulate a specific problem into a question, maybe someone can answer it and give you a push in the right direction.
13 years ago
IndexOutOfBounds indicates you are attempting to access a member that doesn't exist. Remember that array indices are zero-based.

Be sure your array (ArrayList?) actually contains items and that you are not trying to access an index outside the valid range.
13 years ago
Take a look at your second loop... you're mixing your i and j counter vars

Ignore that... changing what I thought makes the first example break..
13 years ago
Some of this stuff is still very fresh in my head from the SCJP prep. I find that if I can explain stuff to other people, I will remember it better myself.

I'm glad you found it useful!
13 years ago
Not change it... add it..

You can have multiple (overloaded) constructors, right?

Once you have them in place, you call whichever one is appropriate at the time.
13 years ago
If you're going to use default values, create a no-args constructor in the Car class and leave the call as-is.

All of your members except String will have their default values anyway (0 or 0.0). String members are null until you initialize them.
13 years ago
Presumably, you created the constructor with the intent of using it, but you haven't done so.

You can change your call to include the arguments required for that constructor to something like

I hardcoded the values in the call. You can, of course pass them by variables.
13 years ago

Russ Russell wrote:In the SCJP Study Guide it says: "You cannot make a call to an instance method, or access an instance variable, until after the super constructor runs."

I interpreting that to mean you can't access instance members from within the constructor until the supers complete their run.

It's as if the book is warning me against attempting to do something that's impossible to do anyway.

If there's a way to do it, I can't think of it.

I'm not sure how to elaborate on that. What page are you reading from in the SCJP book? I'll check it out in its complete context when I get home later.
13 years ago
When you create a constructor with arguments, you don't automatically get the compiler provided no-args constructor.

You have this one:

but you are trying to call new Car() (which doesn't exist)

13 years ago