Nitin Surana

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since Jan 21, 2011
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I do not understand what you want. Can you please elaborate?

As far as I got you can have as many jcheckboxes as you want and get all of them submitted on clicking submit.
13 years ago
you can do one thing :
put your jtextfield within a JPanel, now that JPanel is the one which will have large size, but that won't be visible and then you can control the layout of JPanel and hence you can control the size of the jtextfield.
13 years ago
sorry, I didn't read your previous post.
13 years ago


Does the action prints out a not null maxtopicslist? If yes then the problem might be in how you are accessing your JSP page. I mean to say that you have to call this action which will pass the result as this JSP.

13 years ago
here is how you can count the occurrences.

13 years ago
Which layout manager are you using? We need to have a look at your code, in order to figure out what is going wrong.
13 years ago
ask your hosting provider.
In my java hosting(, I simply upload the war file as ROOT.war to have / as the contextPath for it.
13 years ago
have you tried setMaximumSize() and setPreferredSize() both?
13 years ago
you can use something like this

13 years ago
bigMatrix.length will give you the total no. of rows.
13 years ago
As long as the user is using the same browser the session will be shared among multiple windows.
13 years ago
There are small mistakes like space missing, actionPerformed case issue, various public classes etc.

I have corrected the code and it is now, not giving any compile errors. But please use a IDE (Netbeans/Eclipse) so that these silly problems will not occur and you can focus more on the logic.

13 years ago