Migue Carvajal

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since Feb 02, 2011
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Hi again,

We have had some trouble using third party libraries in OSGi. Sometimes, our approach has been "bundlelize" the library, and this has revealed new troubles related to dependencies with other libraries, this end in a very big bundle containing a lot of dependent components.
Do you recommend any strategies to cope with this situations?

Thanks in advance,

Richard S. Hall wrote:
I would have to say its support for dynamism at both the lifecycle and service layers. Embedded apps often to have to deal with higher levels of environmental dynamism (e.g., a mobile phone or tablet being carried around or a home automation system with devices coming and going). OSGi gives you a foundation for modeling and dealing with such dynamism.

Regarding to mobile phones and tablets, do you think Android is adequate to deploy OSGi over it? Is it possible to run OSGi in J2ME platform?
Thanks in advance,

Despite its origins, aimed to embedded appliances, Java has got the most pervasive technology in the field of enterprise applications. With the advent of OSGi, it is possible for Java to gain presence in embedded platforms. Of course, OSGi enforces modularity and so it allows to fit in platforms with less resources, by removing the less needed modules.

What features/advantages of OSGi, other than modularity enforcement, do you think can help in development of embedded apps?

Thank you in advance,

Nowadays, the computer technology has pervaded to almost every field of our lives. You can find computers in your home, at office and you can carry portable computers (battery life is the only limit ;) ). So I think it is important for Android to offer new applications and uses that can't be seen in personal computers. This could be allowed by means of using special peripherals equipped in typical Android Devices: GPS, Accelerometers, GPRS access... Also, physical characterĂ­stics of these devices can be used: small size, light weight.
For example, some days ago, I saw an Android application that used the camera in the phone to measure heartbeat rate. You can bring the phone with you when you go footing.

Do you agree with me in this point of view?
Also, do you think they will appear new applications and uses that add differential value to Android devices?
Which new uses can you think of?

13 years ago
I think Android makes possible easy and fast development of mobile applications for several types of platforms, including mobile phones or tablets. I work on automation software, SCADA and the like, so, I'm very interested in possible uses of mobile devices in industrial applications. For example, mobile applications to allow receiving alerts or sending commands to a remote installation. Also, mobile apps related to domotic technologies offer a lot of possibilities.
Of course, this poses questions related to security and stability. Do you think Android can be an adecuate platform to run this sort of software? Do you know if is there already work done in this line, as application frameworks, industrial protocol libraries... etc.?

Thank you in advance and greetings
13 years ago