Winston Gutkowski wrote:
You know what? You need Henry Wong (one of the posters on here), because he's produced a great distillation of exactly this subject, filtered from the JLS. If I find a link to his answer, I'll post it here.
mikali singh wrote:
but i want a book which make my basic concept clear............
Sachin TrojanGupta wrote:I am having problems playing the wav files also. It was working earlier but its not working now.
Jim Branley wrote:I wish that I could get rid or the brackets [] that surround the list but other than that I couldn't be happier.
Jim Branley wrote: Right now it is not printing a string per se but one element at a time because of the recursive nature of the method inorder();
I will have to print 5 numbers if btree has 5 nodes, etc.. etc..
Have a look at the Arrays.toString() method, which returns all the elements of the array, comma separated and enclosed in [].
If that's not the format you want then you need to use a loop to add the values to a StringBuilder in the format you want and then just call the StringBuilder's toString method.
Jim Branley does not appear to be offered for arrayLists.