Sure a lot of them...
some are related to books and some general stuff..
(1) There are a few books on jmx and they typically start explaining whatz an MBean and then move on to Agent and then describe a couple of Adaptors. howz this book different ?
(2) Any real life scenario explained ?
Say Managing a distributed Java system with multiple JMX agents with master-sub agent architecture..
if not can you include these features too in the next edition...
(3) I have read a couple of books and they seem to describe just the JMX api...but Ideally I would like to read one that gives a firm foundation...starting with SNMP,WBEM,CMIP,DMI and then moving on to JMX ...and then describing an SNMP Adaptor,WBEM adaptor......Master-Sub agent Architecture....JMX Agent deployment....
( perhaps I have an expectation creep :-) )
use case one :
I need some performance statistics from Oracle...I can use SNMP to get them....why would I go for JMX...or is JMX suited for that....
use case 2 :
I need some OS info from Solaris,Linux,NT....
do I use WBEM or SNMP or JMX+JNI for that....
use case 3 :
I want to expose business logic to a management console..Most management consoles prefers SNMP ..Y should I go for JMX
(4) Does JMX enables Service Level Management of a
a distributed J2ee application infrastructure ?
(5) any prodcuts on JMX explained such as AdventNets Manage Engine, Suns JAMIE ?
Is JMX Yet Another API ? Is there a real need for JMX.....does one need a lot of Bean types ..and add more Jargons to an already congested technical vocabulary ?
(7)Big Question :
Is JMX borrowed from Corba Services...Query Service,Timers,relations all seems to be borrowed from CORBA services .
MBean as jini that what sun calls as Spontaneous Management ?
(9 ) Anybody here from OASIS ..whats happening to web services management protocol..can I use JMX to manage webs services.. ?
(10) Is JMX limited to AppServer management and J2ee application management ?