Sitrarasu Jayaraman

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since Feb 06, 2011
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Recent posts by Sitrarasu Jayaraman

Have you tried
6 years ago

I guess you are asking for context-menu., let me guess, you want some menu to be displayed when you right click on a tree node right?
if that is the case then look for context menu in richfaces.,

Richfaces Context Menu

13 years ago
@Campbell Ritchie,

That would be helpful to me, if you could do that..

looking forward to your help.

13 years ago
@Christophe Verré

The condition will fail if they the logic used is different, or the coding style is different.

It should report if someone exactly replicates the logic but changes the variable names and add extra space and comments to escape from the fast inspection nature of the human(i.e the staff members)

And i believe if someone can change the programming constructs altogether, then he need not be considered as a copier. because the assignment is aimed at checking his/her programming ability, so when he can change the constructs used in the program altogether then that should be fine..

Note: it would be fine if our application could detect the similar flow like the following, i.e just changing the looping construct but rest of them remains the same.

13 years ago

I need to develop an application which should get 2 java source code files (ex : , as input and tell whether the 2 files are copied from one another..

this project is for my department, they want to find who are all copying when a programming assignment is given to them.

the copier should not escape if he just adds extra comments, change the variable names, change the position of some codes ex: writing main() at last or at the beginning etc..

i am looking for a best algorithm to solve this problem..

please help me by your valuable suggestions.. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated. please post whatever idea comes to your mind..

Thanks for your help.
13 years ago
@Ralph Cook,

Apologise for not reading that UseTheForumNotEmail link earlier., really a greater cause behind this forum.. i am glad i have made it to the this club!!!
13 years ago

My exact requirement is to get to know how this Greedy String Tiling Algorithm works..

I could only find pdf files when i google the term "Greedy String Tiling Algorithm" and that too which has all theories and no algorithm in it.. so i am looking for how that algo will work.. Its actually a part of my final year project work.

I need to develop a tool which should accept 2 java source files as input and should tell whether the programs are copied or not..

so i will be glad if someone could give me the pseudo code with some sort of explanation with it..

Thanks for your help.
13 years ago

I am also in need of the working model of the Greedy String Tiling algo..

have you found the answer? if it so please mail it to me.. that will very helpful to me in completing my task easier..

mail id : <removed>

13 years ago