Suppose I have Paragraph tag which contains some string like-
Here, word is a sequence of character separated by white space, so here words are-A,friendly,place,for,programming,greenhorns,Big,Moose,Saloon
Now I need to change the background color of each word starting from "A" to "Saloon", one by one.
I am using this code to highlight each word one by one in a html document, but it is not that good method.
And It faces some problem for some words, if white space between two word is more than one, or if return character is encountered more than once
How to highlight all words in html one by one using javascript?
Any idea how to proceed?
I have tried a lot of things but I get confused when it comes to deeply nested tags.
We have been able to send thie ECG signal to mobile phones through Bluetooth and we have been able to plot it in real time.
now my question is How to save the data without affecting the plot on the mobile phone?
sorry fred, from next time I will keep your words in mind.
And for this problem it is solved,my panel was not getting focus,just tried to get it using requestfocus() method and it is solved..