Ganesh Malaichamy

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since Feb 11, 2011
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Recent posts by Ganesh Malaichamy

You can call a EJB from a queue. The catch here is not performance. But the transaction. When there is interruption in the current flow please observe the transaction rollback behavior.
What is the error message you are getting. When you say client what is the java version of your client?
10 years ago
10 years ago
Did you manually tried transferring the single file from the host through ftp in command prompt. Also check the ftp service is running in the host and the port is open for connection.
Check the limitations documented in this link

If you are planning to create charts you might need to use JFreeChart or templating.

I have used this library to create test reports. It works fine for me.
10 years ago
Apache POI has good api for handling the excel document.This might be helpful in your case
10 years ago
1) Creating stubs dynamically means you need to run the standard wsdl2java utility to create the stubs and then load the classes using reflection.
But this is not a clean approach. If your consuming application requires those new changes then recompiling and modifying your application is the standard approach.

2) There is Dispatch Client model in JAX-WS programming allows you to create the request messages dynamically from the end points. But the intended use of this feature is different
Take a look at

3) If you are concerned more about the code base maintenance then just create a interface to access the client stubs. That way you can treat and maintain the client stubs as a separate artifact.
Then changing the client stub dependency version will solve the problem.
10 years ago
I agree with William Brogden. Even though your requirement to lock the page can be fulfilled by some means that may not be a clean solution.From your use case you are trying to lock the page based on a session.Then you have to think about session timeout also.You can add HTTP Session Listener and track the usage of that particular page.
10 years ago
Also revisit the code design for your use case. Do you really need to hold 30000 objects for the processing at the same time.You can sub-task the processing based on your actual use case.serializing is one way to do it.
10 years ago
Are you facing any issue in consuming the web-service hosted in weblogic. Via Soap or Java Client.You coud do *.wsdl search in the eclipse path and find the difference between the wsdl.The name space prefixing will differ for tools generating the request
10 years ago
Check the connection settings (ServerName,schemaName) from both the TOAD and the NetBeans. Try to insert the same data from both the end and see both are reflecting the changes.
10 years ago
Just in main call the frame with out thread like
and see that solves the problem.
10 years ago
You need to add System.exit(0); after the line 89 in your code. Refer this link for the details Adding System.exit might solve the problem but that is not the clean solution. You need to add frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE) for the frames you are adding. From the code it seems like the resources are not released properly.For the simpler debugging you can add System.out.println statement inside the methods.This will get displayed during the program execution in the console. You can set the break point and debug the program.
10 years ago