Hello All,
I am wondering whether the following example comes under Inheritance or not. Now, the example that I have chosen is a cricket ball construction.
Just a brief back ground: A cricket ball looks like this. [
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X2232vHYQwM/UPlY3_-2qbI/AAAAAAAAAAw/G3juwFNBGVI/s1600/cricket+ball.jpg ]. Now, if you actually take a look at its internal structure, it looks like this. [
http://www.cricketstoreonline.com/product_images/uploaded_images/img-0233.jpg ]. It has an internal cork ball around which 3-4 layers are created and finally a Cricket Ball [ first pic ] is created.
Now, I am taking this core cork ball as my base class and am explaining the creation of the cricket ball [ my sub class ] as a customization of the base class.
Before I go further, I want to know if taking the base cork ball as base class and the cricket ball as sub class with its own features seem logical/reasonable. [ the reason why Im asking is sometimes I ask myself if this should have been composition where the Cricket Ball contains a cork ball at its center and not an inheritance relationship ].
Please share your thoughts.