Prasad Thirugnanam

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since Dec 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Prasad Thirugnanam

we are facing lot of problems in NO Ping in Websphere Appliation Server 4.0.5. The Appserver gets restarted automatically and some time it need to be have Node restart.
We tried thin oracle driver instead of OCI. - No improvement.
Applied fixpack 7 (WAS 4.0.7) - No improvement.
Have you got this kind of problem... If you and if you have fixed this problem, can you let me know. Its very urgent.
Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
21 years ago
When i try to post a simple data i am getting the following error in the browser:
Method Not Allowed
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /test/displayPost.jsp.
Environment :
Sun Solaris SunOS 5.8
IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0.2
The same program is working fine on WAS 4.0.5 environment...
Here is the sampple program:
bash-2.03$ cat postTest.jsp
"& lt;"form action="/test/displayPost.jsp" method="POST"
"& lt;"input type= "text" name = "userName"/
"& lt;"input type="submit" name = "press" value = "submit"/
bash-2.03$ cat test/displayPost.jsp
"& lt;"% String user = request.getParameter("userName"); %>
user is "& lt;"%=user%>

Did any one came across such problem? Pl let me know if you have solution.
Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
Note: In the sample jsps i have removed some html tags and replaced "<" for less than char.
21 years ago
I also got similar plugin problem. FOr which i added an alias in the virtual host with *:9088 port number and regenerated plugin and restarted. IT started working.
Just check default host or ur virtual host settings and add the new port number and Apply. Then regenerate plugin and restart and check....
Hope this helps you.
21 years ago
when i run a test page with .doc (word document) or .xls (Excel sheet) from browser it results with junk characters....
pdf attachments are coming perfectly....
The result is given below:
������>�� !#���� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������M ��9bjbj�=�= % €W€W9������l��������zzzz † �}�žžžžžžžž�������$3 Sj"�žžžžž"���žž7���ž"�ž�ž��ž��&�����ž’ Ww_hD��žz���M0}������������� Prasad Thirugnanam
Is there any special settings required to clear this?
Looking forward your help.
Thanks in advance.
21 years ago
I am getting the following error in the WAS 4.0.5 console:
PLGN0007E: Engine Throwable
The plugin entries are ok. but i am not able to access resources. Could you suggest what could be the solution.
Stopped all servers and I deleted the plugin-cfg.xml and regenerated again, Then started All appservers. But still the same problem exists. Also restarted the machine.
Appreciate your early response.
Thanks and Regards,
21 years ago
Hi All,
We are trying to use Lotus Workflow API to connect to Lotus Workflow from Websphere Application Server. The versions are Domino Server 5.08,Lotus Workflow 3.1 and Websphere App Server Version 4.04.�� SSO is successful in WAS and Domino. We are trying to use the Default application server only and go ahead with the Integration.

When we tried to�use the demo application (sandbox) given by the IBM,�we had problems in SSO. So could you suggest any simple way from JSP/Servlet to call/ initiate Workflow process through Workflow JAVA API from the�Default application server.

Any inputs would be appreciated in this regard. Pls. mail me at [email protected]

21 years ago
Hi Theodore Casser,
Can u tell me what are the Books u referred when u prepare for the Exams. I am reading through IBM WAS 4.0 HandBook. How far Reading Infocenter will be useful? Where can i get more info regarding the scenario based questions? If u know these details, pl let me know.
Thanks a lot for ur reply.
Hi All,
How tough is the Test 489. IBM WAS Admin exam from ICE? I have completed the sample Test from ICE. WIll the actual test be same pattern as sample test or it will be more tougher? Guys who have completed the certification pl throw ur experience..
thanks in advance.
Hi Kyle,
We would like to increase the connection pool size in the WAS cluster (3machines) environment.
Server setup:
3 WAS 4.02 machines are clustered and one network dispatcher. DB2 (WAS40) is the used for the repository.
THe problem is when the connection pool size is increased and applied, it throws exception and CORBA transaction exception. But when i applied the same on my local node its taking perfectly and the new connection pool size is applied after i restart that instance.
Can u help me in solving this problem.
I am listing the steps done below, if any step is wrong pl suggest and correct me:
1. Stop the HTTP Server service.
2. Go the WAS Console.
3. there are two nodes in the console.
4. Go to resources-JDBC->Datasources and give new values to the connection pool parameters and apply.
5. Error displaying "Attributes are not set properly" with
6. then i stoped 3 instances running on the server, and did the step. 5. same error.
Can u tell me where i am making mistake? or is there any steps to be followed when the WAS servers are clustered.
When i did on my local test machine (WAS 4.0Ad.ed), i didn even stop the instances, made changes in the connection pool size and applied. and restarted the particular instance. I saw the log, reflecting the latest connection pool parameters.
Please help me in solving the problem. Its quite urgent. Thanks in advance.
22 years ago
Dear All,
I used to get some junk characters or java or jsp program codes in the output file. The application server we are using is WAS 4.0 Ad Ed. I am not getting on my machine. But some of the browser it gives junk value, so that the commands does not receive data properly and output is not as we wanted. It happens very rapidly and there is no consistency. Is there any WAS or IBM HTTP Server settings or Browser settings to be done? If so could you please share with me. This is very urgent and thanks in advance for the Help.
Prasad [email protected]
22 years ago
Hi All,
Objective: To achieve only one user to logon only once on the same machine or different machine.
When the same user logs in on another machine or broswer instance, it should throw a msg
"User logged in already" and should not able to go further. When the user logs off
the lock should be released and browser close should be treated as Logout (at this
point also, the lock should be released)
THe Administrator should have one option to release the locked users.
Software: IBM WAS 4.0, database is Oracle
Suppose the user logs in to the web application. After proper authentication,
a flag is updated in a table with his user id. so when the same user is loggin in
from different browser, it checks for the entry first and then throws error msg without loggin in.

There should be one option for Admin to release the lock. Suppose the network goes down, the
user lock wont be released since he didnt logged off properly.
The admin has option to see list of users whose status='Y' from a table. Then Admin selects
one or more users and update the status as 'N', so that next time those users can log in.

Now problem is, a user logs in and his status is set to 'Y'. Now he calls up Admin to release
his user lock. the admin releases the lock (which updates the flag only). The same user will be
able to log on from different machine or browser instance now. We need to stop that.
So when the admin releases the lock, the other session if any should be invalidated, so that
he gets the login screen.

Question: When the user logs in his Session id is written to the table. With the help of that session id,
how can we get the Session object to invalidate that particular session. The admin should
able to get the session object of some person by giving that session id, and invalidate.

I have described in detail. I hope to get some positive reply to this. This is very urgent.
Plese help me and thanks in advance.

22 years ago
Hi All,
I am learning WAS 4.0. I have installed WAS 4.0 Advanced Ed. I would like to
create an application server and one instance. Is there any redbook or doc
available to create an application server and instance with folder structure
details? If so pl refer the URLs. I know how to create the same in WAS 3.5 AD ed.
Pl reply me with ur inputs and suggessions.
Thanks in Advance.
22 years ago
Hi Kyle,
If we create EJB based on schema model, the ejb name will be same as the database table name. suppose if the table name contains '_' or '-', the EJB name will reflect the same. Will there be any problem when the EJB name contains '_' or'-' during deployment or when it is accessed? I got some info (no proof available) when the EJB name contains '_'s, java.rmi.CORBA exceptions with minor code .. and Transaction Rollback exception etc. So i would like to have a clarification that if any special characters ('_','-') in EJB name will result in error or not.
If we create a EJB and map the columns manually, we can give the EJB name the way we want (Hungarian notation.. like TestBean).
One more clarification i would like to ask?
Can i create set of EJBs based on Schema model and change each Bean's base class to ECEntityBean (WCS 5.1)? Will it work without any change or any customization to be done?
thanks in advance.
22 years ago
map date datatype in oracle as java.sql.Timestamp in EJB and test it. it will work. i hope this could be usefule for u.
[email protected]
22 years ago
hi, try creating the EJB from schema (VAJ) and find out what data type is mapped to varchar2. then create ejb and test it. i hope this could help u.
22 years ago