pooja par

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since Feb 14, 2011
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Recent posts by pooja par

The exception clearly says you have - No getter method for property username
Please provide getters and setters for property "Username" in the BEAN
13 years ago
dojo tags have been deprecated. I suggest you to use jquery.
which version of struts are you using?

jars required:

make sure you have the above jars.. version numbers are important
using jquery autocompleter is also simple to implement
13 years ago




13 years ago
I don't have any idea how to do that.. sorry
13 years ago
I asked you to add ---cssErrorStyle="color:red;"--- as well in your JSP

did you add that.. and is still not working.
If that doesn't work add below code in your css

this link may help you
13 years ago
Search in your workspace for "feedbackmessage ".
I guess you should have mention that as property somewhere for some field in your jsp.
13 years ago
Please refer to "struts2 jquery autocompleter"
13 years ago
Solved the issue.
Posting the code. This may be helpful for somebody.
I also included topics



JARS added

13 years ago

document.getElementById("componentCombo").innerHTML = req.responseText;

so now if the response text is array of arrays/list/map etc.. what ever it is, it will be displayed in the componentCombo
The reponse that you get from your action class should be in one of that format(array of arrays/list/map etc..)
13 years ago
It clearly says

There is no Action mapped for namespace / and action name Hello. - [unknown location]

Please check in your struts.xml whether you have a action tag with "hello"
sample struts.xml


In the above jsp I have "action="createManagerInterest" and in the striys.xml there is a matching action tag for "createManagerInterest"
So the control goes to that particular action.
13 years ago
sorry.. the code which I specified as JSP is Struts.xml
13 years ago
you are using result-type in the wrong way

result-type specifies whether the result should be map, list, json etc..
Please see the below sample code

"managerNames" is the array of strings which I am returning from the action class.. But I want to display them in JSON format.. so I mentioned result-type as json.
13 years ago
I couldn't exactly understand what you want.
The below code would display all the field error messages of the jsp in red color above the form

In your jsp

You need to change the cssErrorStyle
cssErrorStyle is the attribute where you can define you own style and this will override cssErrorClass.

13 years ago
make sure that you have this jar in your lib folder
13 years ago
Please stop the server and then start.
May be you just did restart without stoping
13 years ago