Jason Brawner

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since Dec 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Jason Brawner

My server is running Apache2 and WAS 5.1 with multiple applications on multiple virtual hosts.

I have one application which requires SSL which is installed on apache. But the application using the SSL needs to run on websphere. Here is my problem/questions:

Since the SSL certificate is installed on apache i need to configure virtual hosting in apache (rather than define it in websphere). Now, when i install the application in websphere, how do i tell websphere to only serve this site for 1 of my virtual hosts, which is defined in apache?

I can't redefine the virtual host in websphere as it causes apache to fail on startup.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Thanks, Jason
20 years ago
thanks for the ideas.... the only reason I need to investigate this approach is because a client wants their site to work this way, even though it is a bit silly.


20 years ago
...but if I provide the appropriate content type (image/jpeg) won't the browser recognize it and display the photo rather than prompt for download? And if it did work, the user would be presented with a weird default file name (probably the servlet mapping) in the 'Save as' dialog. They'd have to be instucted to put a .jpg ext on the file before they saved it to their hard drive... too confusing for the average user.

Regardless, I will try it tomorrow.

20 years ago
Our website contains many photos that users can retrieve. Currently they have to click on the thumbnail of their photo which opens a new browser window with their photo at full scale. Then they have to right-click -> Save as... to download.

Is it possible to tell the browser not to open the photo in the new window, but to prompt the open/save dialog when they click on the thumbnail? I'd like to do this without giving the file a wierd extension or zipping it. Is there an http header to set or am I out of luck?


20 years ago
I have a web application which must run entirely using https. I've successfully configured a security constaint and role for this.

I also need a portion of the web application to have restricted access using a form based login, which I know how to do as well.

But how do I configure a single web application to use both? Do I use 2 security constraints? ... or 1 security constraint and 2 resource collections?

I've tried many combinations but can't get the 2 methods to work simultaniously with different URL patterns and roles. Using the same url and role, it works fine.

Any ideas? Do I need to divide my app. into 2 apps.?

Thanks, Jason
20 years ago
I've created an EAR which contains several web applications, all of which will require authentication. I've noticed with the Websphere extensions that I'm able to share the session context but it doesn't appear share the login information (which is contained in the session, right?).
I'm using the j_security_check with Local OS Auth. and have the same Security Role defined in all WARS but when the user switches from one WAR to another within the same EAR they are prompted again for a login. So my questions are...
Is it possible to share login info?
Does the 'Shared session context' WebSphere Ext. allow for this and I've just got it configured incorrectly?
20 years ago
I've installed WAS Express 5.1 and want to put Apache in front of it, sending J2EE requests to WAS. I've generated the plugin-cfg.xml and am aware i have to put the following entries in my httpd.conf file...
LoadModule ibm_app_server_http_module <drive>:\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\mod_ibm_app_server_http.dll
WebSpherePluginConfig <drive>:\WebSphere\AppServer\config\cells\plugin-cfg.xml
However, there is no ibm_app_server_http.dll file in the WAS Express 5.1 installation. All documentation i've found on the web refers to verion 5.0.
Does anybody know how i get this file or if there is a change in this configuration from 5.0 to 5.1.
21 years ago
I'm developing a J2EE application from a windows platform which will be deployed on an AS400. The application will run within a HostPublisher server instance.
I want an easy way to access the log information. The default setting is all logging (for all applications on the server) goes to one file. Is there a way i can configure websphere/hostpub to send my context.log() messages to its own log... like tomcat! Or do I have to reinvent the wheel and create my own logger?
21 years ago
That does answer my question. Thank you.
21 years ago
Is it possible to administer multiple WAS's with a single instance of the Administrator console?
I have two clients running WAS 4.0 and would like the ability to administer them both from my laptop. Currently, I have one configured.
Is this possible..... sorry if its a dumb question.
21 years ago
Did you add the servlet to your deployment descriptor (web.xml)?
21 years ago
The only way i can think to do this is have the applet make a url connection to the server/application. A servlet could return the serialized object to the applet.
21 years ago
Put the listener element before the other two. The deployment descriptor requires some elements to be in a particular order.
21 years ago
What is the directory named? Is it WEB-INF? If so, this restricted by default because its where your java classes and configurations reside.
21 years ago