Scott Selikoff wrote:Normalize the data so that the answers and the questions are in separate tables. For example, if a question has one answer, that would be 2 rows: one in the question table and one in the answer table. If a question has 2 answers, that would 3 rows: one in the question table and two in the answer table.
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:Whereas this one says you should use the table name rather than the alias.
Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:That look close to being right. What error are you getting?
One issue I see is that "SELECT endDate" is ambigious. I think you mean ig.enddate there.
Incorrect syntax near 'i'
Steve Fahlbusch wrote:Use adaptive calculations. The bytes process / bytes in file should act as a good approximation of the % complete.
Get the size of the file from the OS.
Keep a count of the bytes read. Bytes read / Size of file * 100 = percent of completion.
John de Michele wrote:It would seem to me that keeping a running count would be just as accurate, and a much better use of resources. What happens when your file gets to 200,000 lines, or 2,000,000?
Paul Clapham wrote:It isn't obvious to me why you have to read all 20,000 strings into memory before processing them. Couldn't you just do something like "read a string, process a string, until end of file"?
fred rosenberger wrote:you can use the -Xmx and -Xms to increase your heap size. This may not be a permanent fix, but it might let you limp through your initial struggles.