G Raghavan

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since Aug 21, 2000
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Recent posts by G Raghavan

While you want to iterate through the entire ResultSet you have to use

There might be some instances where you want to just check if there are results in the ResultSet, so instead of iterating through the entire ResultSet we can use
Do you have any other web servers installed (like iis), because they take port 80 by default and tomcat might not be able to listen to it.
20 years ago
Try setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME which points to your java sdk's installation folder and check out
This method returns the number of rows affected, when an insert or update query i executed.

If you have executed a select query which will return a resultset it will return -1.
Hi All,
while using request.getParameterMap() I am able to get the parameternames as the key. but how do i get the corresponding parametervalues which is returned as a single String.

thanx in advance
21 years ago
Hi Cathy
if you post the code for ScrambleGameServlet.java it will be helpful. It appears to be a error in that java code.
Hi all,
I have an application which uses SQL Server as backend. Now I am porting this application with JSP as front end and SAP DB as back end. Most of the queries in the old application is specific to SQL Server. is there a way to convert that queries to ANSI SQL.
thanx in advance
G Raghavan
What is the error that you get. if put the code it will be better.
I hope this suggesstion works. Put the employee name or ID which ever is unique in a session variable and pass it to the jsp page of the parent window.
21 years ago
The following code worked for me
21 years ago
The method popBody() is actually a container generated code. It was included in the final version of JSP 1.1 documentation. Maybe check with the version of JSP ann servlets you are using. if you are using servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.2 I think the problem will be solved.
G. Raghavan
21 years ago
hi mudassir,
You are trying to insert the values in the database with every setParameter method. if your database table has fields which does not allow null values then this is going to create problem. instead after setting all the values use just one update query for all the values.
hope this solves ur problem
21 years ago
Hai Sunil,
As for my knowledge, if you are connecting to a access database the only way is to use the jdbc odbc bridge like the 1st one you have created.
Hi Friends,
I want to run a java program developed using JDK 1.2, under windows 3.1. Can you help me how this can be done.
Thanks for your suggestions
23 years ago
How do i convert bmp images to jpeg format? I want to convert 100s of bmp images
24 years ago
How do i convert bmp images to jpeg format? I want to convert 100s of bmp images
24 years ago