Hi David,
Thanks for your response. As suggest ,I tried to implement the same as below
1. Created the jar for the swing application using fat plugin (with one jar option)
2. Created the JNLP file which has the jar ref entry for the above created jar and plcaed in web application.
3. Tried to launch this JNLP file onclick of link from the web application.
Just JNLP file got opened and not executed. And one more catch is,While analysing i found that in JNLP file i
have given the main calss as "com.test.app.TestMain" but in the jars Manifest file its been mentioned
as "com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot" .
Please advise.
JNLP File:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+"
<title>TEST JNLP</title>
<vendor> SLS </vendor>
<description>TEST JNLP</description>
<j2se version="1.2+" />
<jar href="TestWebStart.jar"/>
<application-desc main-class="com.test.app.TestMain" />
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Fat Jar/One-JAR Eclipse Plug-In
Main-Class: com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot
Thanks in Advance.