pat larser

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since Mar 03, 2011
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Thank you to both of you!
I was able to VERY EASILY implement SSL using the 2-step process found on Tomcat's site
I also created an empty ROOT webapp that was password protected as well so that *hopefully* nothing should be openly accessible.

Thanks again!
13 years ago
I recently deployed Tomcat with a webapp (Zilverline). I had no problems creating a password protection on the webapp directory (http://localhost:8080/zilverline). But I am unconfortable keeping port 8080 open without password protection. Right now if I just go to http://localhost:8080, it's a blank page because I removed all other webapps for security. But can I password protect just everything?

Thank you.
13 years ago
Zilverline was the one I was thinking. Contacted the owner and it seems the disappearance is temporary until they can move to a new domain. Thanks!
Hey everyone.

A few years back I found a great Apache/Tomcat plugin that had a backend that auto-indexed all files within a directory (including PDF contents), and a frontend web interface to search and download appropriately. I recall it starting with a "Z" but can't remember what it was. What was great about it was the deployment. I just added the WAR files to the right tomcat directory and it was deployed.

Any ideas on what software this may have been? Or if there is newer/similar software I can try out? It was great to index all my documents and be able to access and search them remotely.