Amee Dabo

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 22, 2001
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Recent posts by Amee Dabo


I want to call iReport from my java application.
Java application uses Eclipse, jdk 1.6 with JSF & Spring framework.
I have created simple iReport using 3.7version. This report is getting compiled & viewed properly independently.

Now I want to view this report on click of 'View Report' button on my JSF page.
So I called a function on click of button as follows:

Now the problem is I am getting error at this line:JasperReport jasperReport =JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign); as
Language "groovy" not supported by this report compiler.

Where am I missing?
I have included foll jars:
jasperreports 3.7

Can anybody help? I am struggling with this error for last 3 days.



I want to include JSF tag inside xsl page. e.g. I want to do something like this:
<xsl:if test="type = 'textField'">
<h:inputText id="id1" name="text1'/>

If I include it as it is; its giving errors after I run it as xsl is not accepting JSF code.
Can anybody help to solve it?

I want to show multiple values in list box& I should be able to select & save & retrieve saved values. e.g. In a employee table I have column for skills in which I want to store selected skills as comma seperated string.

The list for skills which I am showing using h:selectManyListBox tag. When I am selecting more than 1 values here those I am saving in database as comma seperated string. e.g html,jsp,vb,java etc. But when i am opening the details for this employee for whom I have saved multiple skills; I am not getting how to show already saved skills as selected in this select many box.

can anybody help please..

Thanks in advance,
18 years ago
It worked.Thank you very much.

18 years ago
Hi Manish,

Firstly Thanks for taking up such a good topic here..
Your question -: "Are there any ranchers here who consciously stayed in touch with technology & progarmming out of choice. even after several years of expereince instead of taking the beaten PM path??"Just wanted Answer to that is -: Yes.. You can count me on..

After having 7-8 years in IT I still opt to code.. May be languages are different.. it was client server before .. now it is web based.. but I like to code & I am satisfied with that. I pray that my brain will be fresh enough to grasp new tech which comes up & I can achieve my satisfactions up to some level.
Even I had same questions which you had.. All my classmates today are sitting in a cabin doing manegerial job. I dont know whether they enjoy PM job or not as many of them crib a lot that they only have to deal with MS Word & Excel now.For sure I dont want to be a PM but even I want to know that can anybody take just a technical path for a life time?If yes then how? I def dont want to become a PM & then crib for not being in touch with tech..else I am fine with coding .. what I am doing

18 years ago

I want to include pagination using JSF. Can anybody tell me how to do the same?
18 years ago

There are many exam simulators for scwcd in market e.g Enthuware, Wizlabs , [talk of illegal material removed - Marc Peabody]

I am sure no one is bad & all are good still can anybody tell me which one is beter to buy?

[ May 26, 2007: Message edited by: Marc Peabody ]
Hi Ranchers,

I am preparing for scwcd. I am searching for good material which will help me understanding topic viz.EL, Security & Filters well. I have gone thru HF for these topics but I need something more.Can anybody put light on some good material available for these topics from exam perspective ?
Congrats Lakshmi,

But can you please tell which other thing one should refer to if HF is not enough? I was relying on HF but according to your input if HF is not enough then what else should I refer? ;( Which all links/books etc did you refer & found it suitable to give exam apart from HF?

Hi Kishor,

All the very best for your exam.
Ohh even I have read the same asnwer for your question in HF.. but if wizlabs says different its confusing now ;(
btw, have you purchased wizlab's kit or are you using trial version.
If you are using rial version can you please guide me how to use teh same as I have downloaded the same but when opened its doesnt show up a single question.

Hi Ranchers,

Can you please list down the links for downloading free mock exams (except this link for SCWCD on net?

I have downloaded Wizlab's free Trial version but it doesn't show a single quesion..;( or am I going wrong somewhere? Please guide.

Hi Flavio,

Many Congrats to you..
Can you please share your experiences with the exam? like..
1. which section you found tough?
2. As you said does the real exam says e.g Choose 3 out of 5 for multiple answers(checkbox type)
3. Do they have 'write function name' kind of questions?
4. How is the overall exam?
5. How did you study?Is Head First is enough? Can you please share soem links from where you took mock exams?

Congrats again,
Thanks Viswanath & Merrill. Nice forum..
18 years ago

I have installed Weblogic 5.1 on Windows XP.
When I am starting weblogic with the command: startweblogic its giving me following error:
Exception in thread "main" access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission createSecurityManager)

Any idea how to resolve this?

18 years ago