Prateek Jauhari

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since Mar 07, 2011
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Recent posts by Prateek Jauhari

I am working with some work management system and into that I need to integrate a system where we can create the roaster for
the and allocate the shift to the proper person.

I was looking for some idea on how to do this.

Is there any knowledge base to achieve this.

12 years ago
Hi All,
I need to send mail using java mail api 1.3.3 where receivers are on different smtp servers.

Actually I have a list of to and cc members where user may or may not have different smtp servers.
I need to send the same mail to everyone.

Is it possible to do so >?

Please suggest.

12 years ago
Like I have a List
Such as
and so on
now after reading 1001 we fire a set of queries,
and then for 1002 the same set of queries,
and then for 1003..
and so on...
Why you wanna use JDBC for excel insertion. ?
POI interface is good tool to handle excel operations in JAVA
I am trying to process bulk amount of data....
I am using IBM DB2.

I am reading a list of Item from an Excel using POI interface and for each Item there is a particular set of queries that has to be fired.
The problem is that the if I am running the same set of query for each item then result processing is taking to much of time
(i.e. if the items increases to 50 or above) and ultimately causing the browser to display Request time out error.

Is there to any other way to implement the same with procedure or something ?

Thanks & Regards
I am trying to deploy a simple JavaEE5 application which uses JPA to persist data in the database, I am using JBoss 5 GA and MySQL ...
While trying to deploy the application I am getting this exception...

Can anyone tell me what is this exception is all about....???
and how to resolve this exception .....???

I have to Use Hibernate As Per The Requirement.....

Is there any way to include hibernate things in a bean module....?
Actually I have create a table "Paper" which a join of two tables.
PaperInfo and questionbank

This paper table has field which are PaperInfoId and QuestionId which are primary key of table PaperInfo and questionbank tables respectively.

I generate POJO and mapping files with the help of reverse engg. file in netbeans.
But no class and hbm file is generate Paper Table.

Now I am confused how to fetch and store data in paper tables as there is no class and mapping file generated for the table...

Is there any way to work with a join table...?

Please advice....!!!


I am unable to deploy my struts 2, JEE6 web application over the JBoss 6 AS.

Its show some error in struts-tags.tld.

IS there any deployment issue with JBoss 6 AS

Please Advice


13 years ago
I have to generate dynamic url on a jsp from the value fetched from the Database.

I am trying to fetch user from the database. Now I have to list all the user name over a jsp page designed using struts 2. Now each user name have the hyperlink.
As I select a hypelink, edit page has to be displayed having the information of the user I have selected.

Is there possible way to this...
Please help

Thanks in advance

13 years ago
Thanks Sir,

But This Means If In Case, I made a change in the database then I need to redeploy my whole application on the server.

I have to do this because there a few tables that might be updated, in the application there is no interface provided to update those values.

Will it be right if I create and close a session in with each function call....?
Please advice.

Thanks for the support Sir,

I am getting a strange behavior from hibernate.

The Problem is

I tried to load a login page in struts 2. This page request a stateless session bean to verify user name and password. The stateless session bean uses hibernate to fetch data from database.

Now when I change the password in the database directly and then use it to login the the change is not reflected. It recognizes old values only.

I am not able to refresh the value....
any help please....
I am really thankful.
This link solved my problem...
but I didn't understand why this thing is not working with struts application.

Thanks this link really solved my problem..
but I am now facing another one, The hibernate is not working in it now..
I am using JEE 6, hibernate 3.5, struts 2 and EJB3.0 with JBoss 6 application server and MySQL.
for my project.

IS there any tutorial to integrate all these into a single project.
I really fed working out with this


Is It possible to inject a stateless session bean using @EJB annotation in a Struts 2 Action class.

Each time a execute my action class, I recieve a null pointer exception.

Is EJB injection possible in Struts 2 action class.

Is there any tutorial or link for this.

