debraj mallick

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since Mar 08, 2011
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Recent posts by debraj mallick

hi Somnath,
class Arts consists of
12 years ago
hi all,
i am using the following code to read from a file and put the content into a arraylist

the file "arts.txt" is about 70mb consisting of 760,985 lines. and i am having exception like:

i am using -Xmx750m. Is there any way i can read the file and store the content of the file in a list?

any help would be great.
12 years ago
hi all,

my "UserDao" is like:

any my "UserServiceImpl" is like:

the number is always 1, all I need the ID of my table "user" where the new record is insert.
any suggestion would be great.

Thanks Francois, it worked.
hi all

my query in sql is like:

but when i am doing the same using ibatis and spring, it is showing exception

Any suggestion would be great.
thanks Rob.
12 years ago
hi all,

i need some idea :
1> how to know whether an rss feed is updated or not,
2> need some event to occur as soon as the rss is updated.

at present i am using quartz after every 1 hr to check for any updated. Is there any way to replace quartz.

any suggestion would be great.
12 years ago
hi Mark,

thanks for your response, well i don't know much about spring security, but i will learn it.
anyway thanks a lot.
12 years ago
hi Mark,

i understand the way you explained, but what i need is as follows:
i am in page where customer places there order (i.e. url is like, now during checking out, the customer need to login (i.e. once login is done, i need to take the customer to the same page where he was before (i.e.
so the same thing happens when the customer want to modify there order (because customer can see their order status with orderId without login to the system).

so how can i get "/customer/order" or "/customer/order/modify"in login
12 years ago
hi all,

is there any method or something in spring like we have in struts1 i.e. mapping.getInputForward()
any suggestion would be great.
12 years ago
hi neera,

we use factory design pattern when we do not know which class of object we should create, so if you know the className then no need to use factory pattern.
any suggestion or comments would be great.
12 years ago
hi all,

has anybody implemented Tesseract OCR with java,
any help would be great.
12 years ago
thank you Vince Stout and John Jai.
12 years ago
hi Mohamed Sanaulla,

thanks for the use link, should i use this to declare an infinite 2D array.

is there any way where i can obtain value in a perticular position like we do when using simple 2D array i.e. arr[59][987].
12 years ago