Jeera Kamar

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since Mar 10, 2011
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Recent posts by Jeera Kamar

Hi folks,
I have around 50 struts portlets in my weblogic portal, following the struts portlet architecture in the documentation, so we have now one ear which ends up that whenever we change any portlet we will have to redeploy the whole portal !!!
I have read about federated portal, but it seems that its great advantage is when your portal wants to consume remote portlets deployed in remote producers, but this is not my case, since all my portlets are local ones, so I think there might be a simpler solution (*like in websphere where we have separate war for each portlet*)
any suggestions ? would be great if you can provide any resources or links document steps needed to accomplish this
Thanks a lot
13 years ago
Hi There,
I have a simple struts portlet "MNPPortlet" deployed in weblogic portal, it contains some JSPs as the below hirearchy


I just want to open B.jsp in a popup window or in an iframe from A.jsp, I have tried the following
2- <IFRAME src="B.jsp">

but it doesn't seem to work, I always get 404 page not found error, since it generates wrong URLs, any ideas how can i get the right URIs generated ?
P.S. it's working fine as struts application, not portlet

Thanks alot
13 years ago