Jayesh A Lalwani wrote:Or putting it in another way, if Santa Claus myth had originated in a polytheistic culture, Santa Claus would be a god already.
Bear Bibeault wrote:At least the Krampus is no longer a propagated legend.
Tony Docherty wrote:They probably say something like 'this' can be used to refer to any method in the current object.
Pat Farrell wrote:Seems that with DST, the kids were standing on the corners waiting for school buses in the dark. We can't have that. Our kids are too dumb to recognize what a big yellow school bus is without the sun.
Paul Anilprem wrote:
Henry Wong wrote:
so this leads to the question, with so much daylight, what is this daylight "savings" supposed to do?
Save non-renewable energy.
Marco Noronha wrote:
Tim Holloway wrote:Backing beans can contain converters, but that is just an additional aspect of the Backing Bean.
Documentation is unclear, but I'm pretty sure that when a Backing Bean implements Converter, it's intended to make the backing bean as a whole self-converting. In other words, if BeanX implements Converter, I don't expect the conversion methods to be receiving/emitting anything that isn't a BeanX.
You are right! That´s why my bean doesn´t implement Converter!!![]()
My Generic (BaseConverter) does!!
paul wheaton wrote:So the experience was so awful, that you need to take the time to tell me how terrible it was.
And you would like for me to remove these ads because you might click on it again?
Because of my amazingly attractive prose that does not sound like advertising copy?
Campbell Ritchie wrote:I would have thought for a phone book or similar, you naturally use a Map.
Mike Bates wrote:I thought the best approach would be to notify other processes that the record was updated, have those processes grab the data and to their part.
paul wheaton wrote:I'm having a hard time seeing the downside here.
paul wheaton wrote:It is clearly an ad and not a fake post.