Roy Abraham

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since Dec 28, 2001
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Recent posts by Roy Abraham

Thanks Gerry !
22 years ago
I see that you are posting quite a few replies in this forum and
also the moderator .
Could you please tell me the differences between iPlanet Web Server and Apache. Is it as popular as Apache ?. From your answers for Raj Shekar I see that it is used in a Production Environment. The only exposure to iPlanet that I have had is when FORTE IDE prompts you to make iPlanet the default webserver
Any useful URLs or a quick reply will be appreciated.
22 years ago
I am tryng to execute a Servlet using Forte 3.0.
Here is what I did :
1. Was able to properly compile the Servlet without any errors
2. Created a WEB Module using FORTE and copied the compiled class to the Classes subdirectory under WEB-INF
Here is my structure as viewed in "Explorer (FileSystems)" in Forte
|-- Servlet01
|-- class Servlet01
|-- lib
|-- Classes
|-- Servlet01
|-- class Servlet01
|-- web.xml

Finally I right clicked on c:\level01\Servlet01 and selected "Execute (Force Reload )" I am seeing that TOMCAT is being started. For testing purposes the only change I made
to the template Servlet created by FORTE is changing the Background color to BLUE
After I executed the Servlet I am getting a
2001-12-28 10:18:18 - Ctx( ): Exception in: R( + /servlet/Servlet01 + null) - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Could you someone please take a few mins to help ?