
Ranch Hand
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Answer is 1) 2) 3)
Wrapper classes and StringBuffer class are immutable.
Can anybody suggest me books in cold fusion.
24 years ago
Can we have a new Forum "Java Certification - which Includes IBM Topics".
Can anybody suggest the good books for Java Architect as iam not fluent in Corba, Swing, JDBC, RMI etc...
Its 3) run.
start() schedules a thread for execution, where as run() is the starting point of execution of thread.
You are right shan, its c) and d).
a) is incorrect because interface contains nested top level class.
b)is incorrect.Because,Look a).
e)is incorrcect because of d)
It took 3 months for me to prepare and i used to spend 8 hours daily.
About your Questions How important is I/O, gridbags,Layouts,applets etc.How much do u think in detail I must study,If at all they are important.
I have answered this one in one of my messages below.
Go through it.
I got only one simple question in collections.
Just study about ordering of collection, set, list, map.
For I/O streams go through A programmer's Guide to Java Certification by Khalid A.Mughal & Rasmussen.
It would be really helpful.
And about GridBagLayout i just got only one question. postioning of anchor and positioning of cells .
And about AWT go through Java 2 certification Guide by Robert Heller and A programmer's Guide to Java Certification by Khalid A.Mughal & Rasmussen.
I think this would help you.

[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited July 22, 2000).]
My scoring:
Section Analysis Score

Declarations and Access Control 77%
Flow Control and Exception Handling 100%
Garbage Collection 100%
Language Fundamentals 100%
Operators and Assignments 100%
Overloading, etc 83%
Threads 100%
The java.awt.package-Layout 100%
The java.lang package 67%
The java.util package 100%
1)I got only one famous Question in Gridbag Layout
about the anchors.
positioning of anchor when fill.BOTH is given.
2)The other famous question in Inner class declaration and Combined initialization.
3)The other one in GC.
Which i have posted few days back in the other discussion group.
4)And also look at the questions posted by Zhuzy, Nithin Mallya and Yogen in the other discussion group .They are very similar.
5)Kai's notes its really very very very helpful.

25 years ago
Especially I should ve very thankful to Jim, Yogen, Nithin Mallya, Zhuzy,Tony Alicea
Marcus, and others....
I took test this morning and passed with 92%.
Some tips :
Go through this discussion group, Marcus site,write small codes of your own and do lot of mock exams as you can .
The books i followed are:
A programmer's Guide to Java Certification by Khalid A. Mughal & Rolf W.Rasmussen.
Java 2 Exam Prep by Bill Brogden.
Java 2 Certification Guide by Robert Heller.
By the way don't forget to go through Kai's notes and Sun Sample Questions.

25 years ago
Especially I should ve very thankful to Jim, Yogen, Nithin Mallya, Zhuzy,Tony Alicea
Marcus, and others....
I took test this morning and passed with 92%.
Some tips :
Go through this discussion group, Marcus site,write small codes of your own and do lot of mock exams as you can .
The books i followed are:
A programmer's Guide to Java Certification by Khalid A. Mughal & Rolf W.Rasmussen.
Java 2 Exam Prep by Bill Brogden.
Java 2 Certification Guide by Robert Heller.
By the way don't forget to go through Sun Sample Questions.

[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited July 22, 2000).]
Thhose who have taken the exam.
Please Please Please kindly answer me.

Given a TextArea using a proportional pitch font and constructed like this:
TextField t = new TextArea("12345", 5, 5);
Which statement is true?
A)- The displayed width shows exactly five characters on each line unless otherwise constrained
B)The displayed height is five lines unless otherwise constrained.
C) The maximum number of characters in a line will be five.
D) The user will be able to edit the character string.
E) The displayed string can use multiple fonts.
Is it B) an D)
Which are valid declarations :
a. private class A
b. class X extends class Y { // Note the {
both a & b are valid. so when they mention class declaration should we include { ?