Sunit Mukherjee

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since Dec 28, 2001
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Recent posts by Sunit Mukherjee

WSAD is a pain to use if you dont have a machine with enough juice..
20 years ago
Does anyone know of any reliable comparisons of JDBC performance using Oracle JDBC driver vs SQL Server JDBC driver? We are trying to evaluate reasons for going with Oracle vs SQL Server.
is the book any good..their online documentation is actually quite sufficient
21 years ago
Here's hoping I get lucky
21 years ago
hmm..not too many contributors yet..there should be a prize for early birds
21 years ago
anything to get my hands on the book..for free..
struts rocks..and hope I win the book
21 years ago
it means to post a message displaying interest in J2EE and EJBs
I think Jcreator rocks too..Search on google using this key word..Its lightweight and fast
22 years ago
Nice thread infor for new comers
make tomcat call init on your servlet as it starts up..that will fix it
22 years ago
What are the major selling points for J2ME as compared to a native smart application? Is it just sheer ease of development of the application?
22 years ago
Most implementations have some kind of middleware writing custome interfaces so that J2EE applications talk to legacy/other systems. how does the connector architecture better that?
22 years ago
Gotta admit..hadn't heard about jython..but after going through some of the docs..looks quite cool
22 years ago
if u dont have experience implementing tibco..u are going to have a hard time convincing people, certified or not, that u can implement it has so many small glitches that need workarounds that u need the hands on experience