Rajan Choudhary

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since Mar 17, 2011
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Recent posts by Rajan Choudhary

Kumar Amit wrote:Congrats Rajan

13 years ago

inr mohan wrote:Hi Rajan Choudhary & Will,

Please let me know how much time it took for the grading. when did you submit your Assignment and Essay?


we both submitted the assignments on 31st May after taking the part3 exam. Read our posts for details....
13 years ago

Youssef Ben Kaddour El Wazzani wrote:Congratulations Rajan

Thanks Youssef.
13 years ago
Congrats! Looks like we 3 (you, "Will" and I) have submitted on 31st May and we all got results same day. And we all passed Lucky day!
13 years ago

Rishi Shehrawat wrote:Congrats Rajan.

13 years ago

will myers wrote:congrats, I got the long awaited email today too, 31st May must have been a lucky day!

Thanks & congratulations to you too!
13 years ago
Hi All,

I got the result email today morning and cleared the SCEA5. Great feeling. This forum is really helpful in many ways.

Thanks & good luck to everyone.

13 years ago
Finally, I got the magic email today morning....

Hi xxxxx,

Congratulations! You have passed the Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification. You are among the elite 1% of certified Java professionals who have gone on to achieve the Java Enterprise Architect certification.

You have received a passing score. Passing grades do not receive a score, just the pass. A failing grade will receive section level scoring so that a candidate may isolate the area of failure and resubmit their assignment. Numeric scores are only provided on failures.

We are in process of migrating SUN exams to Pearson Vue and hence there is a delay in processing shipments. We kindly request you to allow 6-8 weeks to receive your certification success kit.

Thank you for all your efforts with this certification, and good luck in your future endeavors with Java.

Please let us know if we may provide further assistance.

OCP Team
no, not the stand by server but an additional h\w load balancer.
Good. The real exam is much harder than this kit but it helps in getting used to. This kit has direct questions whereas the real exam is going to have mostly scenario based questions which are little lengthy. Don't expect any same question from this kit to real exam.

Ranil Liyana Arachchige wrote:Got a reply from Oracle , I have successfully passed the Architect exam . I would like to thank you all and this forum for being such a useful place for me. Thank you once again.

call them and say you want to cancel the order as you needed it urgently and they haven't been able to get that to you.

I ordered on some thursday (in April), and did not hear anything by Friday so I called them asked what's wrong. Simple excuse>>> Sir, our systems are down and your order could not be processed. The call went to India, the guys said, he can process the order manually if can give credit card details. I just trusted him and he did the rest. Still I had to call 2 to 3 times in the night and opened a ticket and finally, I got that next day.......I prepared in week end and appeared for the exam on Tuesday -

will myers wrote:I sent mine in on 31st May and it was sent for grading on 3rd June. I mailed Oracle on Friday asking when I could expect a result and have just had a reply stating that they will let me know whithin a week.

heard anything?

Ranil Liyana Arachchige wrote:Thank You Rajan,

But this email address seems to make an Autoreply with some predefined content. The reply mail I have got is as follows. Is this similar to what you have got ?

Thank you for contacting the Sun Certification Program.

With the change from Prometric to Pearson VUE, we expect no disruption in availability of testing. However candidates should be aware of a system issue that may affect the shipment of your certificate and the timing of your certification. Transition of records to Oracle's certification database and maintenance to the database during the transition period may delay the shipment of your printed certificate up to two or three weeks. If your certification success kit is delayed by more than 2-3 weeks, please contact us at [email protected] for assistance.


You may find the answer to your question on the Certification Website <someurl> .

Please allow up to 5 business days for a reply. Please note that sending multiple emails will cause more email for us to filter through and may slow down our response time.

OCP Team

This is just auto reply. They will reply your email in couple of days. I got response in 2 days.