Parshuram Walunjkar

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since Jan 02, 2002
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Recent posts by Parshuram Walunjkar

Hi All,
I want to parse the out put of Unix command like df, ps -ef.
While returning output of those command there is no column separator in the output only empty space is used as delimiter.
But my data contains space, so it is giving problem while parsing.

Does any body suggest their view.
Waiting for reply,

19 years ago
Hi All,
Just wanted to know your inputs related to Certification.
I passed SCJP exam on 2001 and I am having 5 years of Exp in java now planning for another certification.
Can you please let me know which certification will be helpful for my future.
waiting for your reply,

Hi all,
Can I use Static Variable in Ejb class?
Parshuram Walujkar
Hi all,
I want to send mail through java mail API .My data is in xml and referening the xsl (Style sheet) and showing the document.
So how can I send mail through the Java Mail?
Regards and Thanks,
From Parshuram.
21 years ago
Hi Everybody,
In Which protocol Ejb is working ? I mean TCP IP or any Other?
Hi All
I am trying updating the Login.jar file.It gives such exception.

C:\TEMP>jar -uvf Login.jar mclasses\prop12.txt
adding: mclasses/prop12.txt(in = 241) (out= 107)(deflated 55%) Error in writing existing jar file

How can I modify the jar file.
waiting for reply,
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am using FileIO. And creating FileReader Object in Java file. as like
FileReader aa = new FileReader ("prop.txt");
Giving relative path.
If I compile and then make an executables jar (Adding all class files and prop.txt file).
And run it then it gives the exception FileNotFoundException.
How can I give path in FileReader constructor?
Waiting for reply,
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
boolean flag ;
// Some java execution and set the value of boolean variable
flag = true;
alert(" Here I want to stop");
// Some java code to be execrated

System.out.println(" some printing statement ");

This is my sample jsp code.
If the variable flag is true then I want the alert message and execution to be stopped.
But actually this is not occurred. First the SOP will print and then at lastly the alert will occur.
Why this happens.?
22 years ago
Hi all,
I am using JBoss-2.4.1_Tomcat-3.2.3 this version.
Is there any administrative tool for deploy ejb and monitor all process which will happen in the container.
Also I want to hot deploy of ear file.
please tell me more detail.
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
Hi all,
I am using JBoss-2.4.1_Tomcat-3.2.3 this version.
Is there any administrative tool for deploy ejb and monitor all process which will happen in the container.
Also I want to hot deploy of ear file.
please tell me more detail.
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
Hi friend's,
I want to synchronize the execution of java program main method. I means if I running the Hello. java from one console and I want don't want to run that program from another console.
Is this possible in java?
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
Hi Friend's
I want to execute the swing frame of local machine from browser as like in Yahoo. If suppose I want to send any offline message to my friend and I was not online on yahoo messenger but I click on icon of smiley faces in browser then the locally installed yahoo messenger will be opened.
I want to do same thing in my application. That by clicking any icon on browser my application frame would be open.
So please help me. I am to confused .I am waiting for some response.
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago
Hi All,
I am actually generating new rows using javascript on a click of a button but my problem is to attach an event to this generated row .
I have used this method : obj.attachEvent("eventname",function) but all in vain.Please kindly suggest me .
Hi friends,
I want to Know the information about XML certification.
Where exam will be conducted?
What is Syallbus?
Cost of Exam?
Please help me .
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
Hi all,
I trying to developed a small swing application which is embeded in executable jar file.
But I want to run that jar file on local machine with local browser.How can I do that thing's? Please tell me.
Regards from
Parshuram Walunjkar
22 years ago