Sv Kumar

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since Jan 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Sv Kumar

Sankha S Pathak

Thanks! I wish you will also get success news soon!!

13 years ago

I have around 12 years of experience ....

13 years ago
Dear friends,

Today morning I got an email from Oracle saying I passed SCEA and my score report on Pearson website is 150 out of 160.

I am very thankful to this Java ranch site founders/voulanteers/fellow Ranchers to make this succes. I have been this site silent reader since 2001.

I have been dreaming this since 2007.But not able to get time to prepare for this. Finally the Mandatory Training course from October,1st forced me to make an attempt and

I appeared for Part-1 on August 22nd with one week dedicated preparation .

Part-2 - (Wireless Phone Company) submitted on September 21st with many weekends mid night design diagrams

Part-3 Sept 26th - appeared by completing 8th question just in 2 to 3 minutes. because 2 hours time getting over .

Results email got today October 7th.

Thanks again to every one on this forum for sharing their valuable Knowledge and experiences.


13 years ago

I have uploaded part-2 assignment solution . my question is do i need to send email aslo with assignment solution to Oracle?Can some body share their experince?

Thanks to Sree and Vijay for response to my query.

Yesterday I have succesfully downloaded the assignment.

I am in dilemma which UML tool I have to use for Part-2. I saw some Ranchers using StartUML.

1. Is it good to go ahead with Start UML ( free version) or any other better options for UML tool.?
2. If I down load free version of UML 2 , How long it works.?
3. Do I need to define all attributes/properties for the domain objects in my class diagram that are provided in Business Domain model?
4.Do I need to provide all signatures for methods with return type and arguments for Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams?
5. I got 4 use cases for my assignment. is it it good Idea to create seperate Class diagram and Sequnece diagram for each use case( 4 class diagrams and 4 sequence diagrams) ?
6. To meet the performance requirements, is it better to use DAO's or JPA in persistence layer? My application persists/updates data and also retrieves data from db.I think DAO has good performance thans Hibernate/JPA .

I am looking for suggestions from Expereinced SCEA's.Please suggest.

Thanks in advance


I want to download part-2 assignment asap.

1. Is there any option to select assignment from given assignments or only one assignment will be directly assigned to me on Pearson website after payment
2. If I upload assignment and essay before Sept 30th ,2011 ,then do i need to meet mandatory training requirement for getting certification?
3. Do I need to write any code or only UML digrams for Part-2 assignment?

Please suggest asap.


How to expand and collapse an element in a cell inside data table.

My requirement is on click of a data in a cell in row , cell should expand with more rows of data and collapse when clicked again.

Can we create table with this type of rows in jsf 1.2?

15 years ago

I have a requirement to create a data table. and in the datatable first column first row cell has one row/record of data, where as first row and second column has multiple rows/records of data corrsponding to first column and first row cell data( one to many).

Third column has many rows of data corresponding to first column data(1 record/1 row)
ABC ---- colortv --- Shop1
-------- - - laptop --- Shop2
XYZ -- watches -- Shop2
----- --- desktop --- Shop3

How to create a data table with this type of data/structure.

15 years ago

Can you please share your SCEA study guide. I am really inetrested to go through your material .I am planning to appear for part-1 next month.


I am preparing for SCEA part -1 exam. I tried to access Mikalai Zaikin's study guide link But It is is not working.

Does any body have the pdf doc or word doc for this gudie. if so can any one send me the same. I am curious to read this guide.

Dear Ganesan,

It is nice to see the release of new book for SCEA exam.

I am planning to take this exam since long time.

I saw most of the books are helpful for only part-1 of the exam.

Is this book is going to help for all 3parts of the exam.

How long will it take to complete this book for an 8 years java experinced guy.

How to plan to succesfully complete the SCEA exam?

Currenlty in the industry mot of the project are on Spring and Hibernate .

Is there a chance of revising the syllabus of SCEA to include Spring and Hibernate.


I am very much intrested to gain SCJA Certification.

Can you guide me the Java topics,contents that are necessary to pass this exam with good percentage.

and Is it a value addition for Senior Java professional.

Thanks in advance

18 years ago