Nico Van Brandt

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since Mar 31, 2011
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Recent posts by Nico Van Brandt

I fail to see the connection between age and you that have a hard time understanding the Spring framework.
Furthermore, the first version of Spring saw light around 2002 as an alternative to EJB 1 or 2, meaning it's almost 20 years old!
I'm quite sure no youngster will want bragging rights about using 20-year-old technology ;)
2 years ago
No it's not useful. One of the principles of eXtreme Programming is "You ain't gonna need it (=YAGNI)". It states that you should only add stuff to your codebase when you actually need it.
Not just to foresee something that might never come in the future. So when you only have 1 implementation, forget about the interface unless you NEED it. Later, when you must add a second implementation, you can always add the interface and refactor.

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Congratulations, all four of you

Thank you!

Any idea when we can expect an email or credentials?

Sorry for the question, I'm by no means trying to add pressure.
Hi Vaughn,

I'm not yet using DDD in my daily job but I sure hope that, as a consultant, I once will have the opportunity to do so as I'm very interested in the topic.
In fact, I am so interested that last month, I followed a three-day course that went out from DDD Europe. I can only advice others to do so as well.
I also have a copy of your book Implementing Domain-Driven Design; I know much more about cowboys now! But I admit: after long working hours, my brain tends to go in overdrive when I read it.

My question is the following;

One of the purposes of DDD is to bring technical (accidental) complexity to a minimum - which is great.
But DDD is not something that you can just pick up just as with a technical framework, by reading a third of the documentation, yell HASHTAG YOLO, and then jump right in.

I think I am aware of all the advantages and benefits that DDD brings, but my gut feeling (the feeling of someone that is new to DDD) is that the threshold of doing it CORRECTLY looks much higher than dealing with any other technical complexity created by bad design decisions with concepts that we know.

When we trade that for something where the only answer to our questions can come from someone with a deep understanding of DDD topics like Bounded Contexts, Aggregates, Roots & Services, ... That frightens me!

What is your advice to people starting with DDD in their projects?
And related, what is typically a good way to start venturing out into the world of DDD?
Hi Vaughn, It's such an honour to have you here! Perfect reason for me to stop by the ranch once again!
You should read up on Jackson or other marshalling frameworks if you want to do a proper job.
Reading it as a String will only result in bad and unmaintainable code.
8 years ago
Hi all,

I'm creating some proof of concepts with Vert.x 3 Java.

I would like to combine CompositeFuture.all() with HttpClientRequest objects while doing a HttpClient GET. Problem is, the .get() only supports callback style with Handlers and no promise style with Futures...

Is there a way?

Great framework by the way. I've done multiple node.js projects but vert.x is really really fun.


Why not stick to JSR 303 - Bean Validation? Don't focus too much on the amount of predefined constraints. It is really simple to create your own. Just create an annotation and a class which serves as the implementation.
8 years ago
I was very happy with following course on Udemy (As my colleagues who actually took the exam and passed it): AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate.
It gives a mostly high level overview of most services available without going in to much detail. It comes with a price though...
8 years ago
Hi everyone,

I'm wondering; are there pre-made matchers in jUnit or hamcrest (or other libs) that allow to do an assertEquals while ignoring a Date or Timestamp object within the matched object?
I can't find any and it is hard to believe that people would not want to use such matchers...

Thanks a lot!

12 years ago
Hi All,

I had a hole of little more than three weeks in between projects and wanted to do something useful such as passing a cetification exam.
So I read Servlets & JSP ²nd edition as well as SCWCD study companion ²nd edition. (this in 15 days time, nine to five) JSP, tags, EL, filters, security... all was new to me.
The day before the exam I studied from dusk till dawn, trying to remember the little details.
There were still some things that weren't perfectly clear to me, but nevertheless I passed it with a score of 76%.

I'm glad I passed it, but at the same time I feel that it was a bit short to really become a true expert on the topic.
But hey, it's not that when you pass an exam, that there's no more reason in getting better in it! I've got the books...

13 years ago
Yes, WAR files can be created using the standard Java jar command
13 years ago
You create an Enterprise Application when your application consists of multiple items. For example: 1 Web Application and two EJB Modules.
By doing this you only have to deploy 1 file on an application server (the .ear file)
13 years ago
Your code works (you knew that already) but it is rubbish.

Some notes:
  • System.out.println("Error:..."). Apart from the fact System.err.println() exists, you should throw Exceptions
  • Don't repeat yourself: call the setters that do the checks. In this example it is safe to do so. (but you should be careful calling them from the constructor)
  • Group constructors and getters/setters for a better overview
  • writeOutput should not be in this class. Instead override the toString() method. Then when we call System.out.println(myPet), the return value of the toString() method gets printed.

  • There is more to say but just compare the solutions..

    13 years ago

    Garbage collection isn't that big of a deal. All you have to know is wheter or not an object is ilegible for gc + a call to System.gc() isn't guaranteed to run the gc.

    Generics is a major part of Java and therefore very present in all sorts of questions.
    But you don't have to be a God in Generics. Just understand what is possible and what's not.

    I agree with Ananth. Just stop postponing the examn and let the stress kick in.
    Be confident and you will do just fine!