Michael Shoemaker

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since Apr 03, 2011
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Thanks Marc, I am looking forward to my stay.

That book looks interesting, its like the opposite to head first in a good way, very detailed. I should be able to learn between the two.
13 years ago
I am just starting to learn Java, my background is in mIRC script.

I am learning okay with Head First Java 2nd edition but it could be a lot better.

I have been trailing behind since the arrays chapter with the 1st battleship game, the chapter after that was a bit of a waste for me for that reason.

The problem is, although it explains everything great there isnt enough application of the knowledge so I am not comfortable with the coding structure at all, or even the use of arrays and ArrayLists. I feel this is because I have not written out enough of my own code for everything to sink in deep enough.
I am basically learning new concepts day to day at a fast pace without applying them.

In the past I have found I learnt best by writing my own code getting stuck and checking a reference for a new concept but this is intimidating without any guidance as Java being my 1st programming language is very big to me.

I wish I could make myself some programs but I dont have enough to work with to get me motivated, no GUI no sockets or i/o just arrays variables, yet its now starting to teach me about inheritance and polymorphism.
I feel I should do a lot more coding before I move on to that.

I think I would benefit from a 2nd book to read side by side with Head First Java, or should I just roll with it and take in what I can?
13 years ago