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since Jan 04, 2002
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Recent posts by Sraboni

Thank you Micheal
Can I simply just add that bit of code into the java.policy file or do i have to put it after a certain line of code within the policy file?
I tried using that but i still get the same error.
I m sending an object, there possibly couldnt be any error when i m using Objectinputstream and ObjectOutputstream..could there be any error? i wouldnt think so cause the server does receive the object, it when it comes to saving.
Anything else you might suggest?
Please can you also let me know how i would be able to change my displayed name, as i tried, but i dont think i will be able to..would i?
Sultana Idris
23 years ago
If i have windows 98, then which driver would be best to download when using it with MySql database and Tomcat.
I m working on this RMI project, where the client sends this object(it is a string) to the server and the server is suppose to save it into a text file. my interface and all the client and server programs compile and run. I can send the object from the client side to the server side, and the server receives it successfully as well, but when it comes to saving it to the text file i get an error saying
Java.permission: access denied to the text file.
I have never used rmi to save an object to a text file, and i dont know why this might be happening. Can anyone help?
23 years ago
I m doing this project where i create a web-page linked to a database (I will be using JSP to generate the web pages).I will be working on the project from home and i have win98 installed. So far i managed to download tomcat 3.3 and run the JSP examples, and for my database i installed MySql. But now what? How to go about testing that Mysql works with Tomcat?
I m confused as to what i should do,and this JDBC, what do i need to do i need to install something separately or configure anything?
Any suggestion would help,
Thank you