Narasimham Varanasi

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since Apr 06, 2011
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Recent posts by Narasimham Varanasi

Hello guys i am learning java .I am and familiar with it not an expert..I require guidance to generate a unique id it should be alpha numeric.Sequential is not mandatory.

Can any one tel me how to start from scratch and develop it in such a way at the end of the code must generate unique id for 10 millions .

@ALL: Thank you all in advance

dilan alex wrote:

Narasimham Varanasi wrote:Hello @ALL,

I am planning to take scjp/ocjp 1.6 .
But i have a scjp K&B certification book of version 1.5 .
Can i read 1.5 k&b and clear 1.6 certification.
Am i missing any topics .
What extra should i read apart from the topics of 1.5 to clear 1.6 certification.

Thank you @ALL

If you want you can, but try to get 1.6 book and study it.


Thank you very much @Dilan

I want to know what could be the differences or topics that i may miss when i read from 1.5 and go for 1.6 exam.
Please let me know.

@ thank you very much
Hello @ALL,

I am planning to take scjp/ocjp 1.6 .
But i have a scjp K&B certification book of version 1.5 .
Can i read 1.5 k&b and clear 1.6 certification.
Am i missing any topics .
What extra should i read apart from the topics of 1.5 to clear 1.6 certification.

Thank you @ALL
This is my understanding.Please correct me if i am wrong.

Access specifier are
public, private, or protected.

Access modifiers are
public, private, protected or default.

How do we differentiate and at what level?
According to my wisdom Access Specifiers are used at class level and Access Modifiers are used at Package level.This is the best kind of understanding how we can easily remember the difference.

Thank you for the reply

I do not know how to react but i feel like a IDIOT.

all suggestions are welcome...

Hello guys . I recently started learning java for the past 7 months.I completed core java black book,head first java ,now going through K&B .I still have doubts and when i see a new code it throws me into confusion.IS it normal or am i PARANORMAL. How cum people are able to learn java in 10 days and prepare for certification in 20 days and get certified in no time.

WELL its taking days and months for me .........How are other human beings able to manage.i am struggling to complete the chapters successfully .... Can any one guide me whats the proper process.I do even practice the code. well guys tel me any tips and tricks ...........
hello Friends,

I am a slow learner and have of habit of forgetting a lot.I am preparing for scjp for the past 8 months and successfully completed CORE JAVA-by-Nageshawar rao,HedFirst CORE JAVA,50% of kS$BB 1.5 now i was asked to prepare for scjp6(1.6) now its becoming too long for a slow learner like me.i am practising all the programs . suggest me any tips and tricks that i might be missing in the process of preparing.I got a set of dump questions where i am unable to find answers(means explanation) in the google.I AM NEW to JAVA RANCH. tel me how to go through the java ranch.i need to clear this certification and its a must.please help me .......all suggestions are welcome please give me inputs i dont mind so that i can get awareness so that ican skip my mistakes
One more thing.I dont know why, when i see a program i find my self confused.Slowly its taking time for me to understand and interpret it for hours.Is it natural or am i a dumb guy.One thing though its taking lot of my time end of the day i am able to understand the program.but time is running out, AS i saw people are able to finish SCJP in 1-2-3-months. HELP ME
hello Friends,

I am a slow learner and have of habit of forgetting a lot.I am preparing for scjp for the past 8 months and successfully completed CORE JAVA-by-Nageshawar rao,HedFirst CORE JAVA,50% of kS$BB 1.5 now i was asked to prepare for scjp6(1.6) now its becoming too long for a slow learner like me.i am practising all the programs .:confused: suggest me any tips and tricks that i might be missing in the process of preparing.I got a set of dump questions where i am unable to find answers(means explanation) in the google.I AM NEW to JAVA RANCH.:confused: tel me how to go through the java ranch.i need to clear this certification and its a must.please help me .......all suggestions are welcome please give me inputs i dont mind so that i can get awareness so that ican skip my mistakes
One more thing.I dont know why, when i see a program i find my self confused.Slowly its taking time for me to understand and interpret it for hours.Is it natural or am i a dumb guy.One thing though its taking lot of my time end of the day i am able to understand the program.but time is running out, AS i saw people are able to finish SCJP in 1-2-3-months. HELP ME
13 years ago

Mark Henryson wrote:If possible could you give one example that explains static object and non-static object behaviour.

Thanks for your reply and expecting the answer for the above thing!!

@Ulf Dittmer

Thank you for the information .But still this concept is wage please help me out in this Static object VS Non_Static object
13 years ago