Rico Jackson

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since Apr 07, 2011
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I've pretty much figured out all of the major issues I was having trouble with, thanks to the help from the people in these forums(thanks!). The info from my text file is displaying in the JTextArea but for some reason I can only get the last line of the file to display. There are 10 lines in the text file that I'm trying to display.

Here's my updated code:

13 years ago
I'm trying to display some text in a JTextArea I have set up in a simple GUI. Easy right? That's what I thought, but I'm clearly not that advanced at Java. The hook is the information I want to display in the JTextArea is in a text file (file.txt).

Right now I have a main class and a class called TextArea that houses the GUI and two methods. In the main class I have set up a simple array with some text in it, and I'm able to get it to display in the JTextArea. Basically the code all works fine, the only thing I can't figure out and need to change is have the information in the array coming from a text file. So if anyone can help me figure this out I'd really appreciate it. And if there is another way to get a textfile to appear in JTextArea without putting it into an ArrayList first I'd love to know.

Here's my code for the Main class

And here's the code for the TextArea Class

13 years ago