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We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Sarah Timberlake

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since Apr 08, 2011
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Recent posts by Sarah Timberlake

For some reason, selectionListener in trinidad tree is not hitting the specified method in the backing bean. As such, I am not able to navigate by clicking the nodes of the tree.
The rowDisclosureListener works though . But it is not the functionality I am looking for.

Any suggestion related with selectionListener would be appreciated.

<tr:tree id="treeid" value="#{backing.model}" var="model" rendered="true"
<f:facet name="nodeStamp">
<tr:commandNavigationItem id="personNode" text="#{}"

public String selectionListen(ActionEvent event){ // Also used selectionEvent but in vain
System.out.println("---Inside selectionListen ---");
// rowkeyset.addAll();
return "";
13 years ago
I am trying to inject EJB (weblogic 11g) onto jsf 2.0 managed beans. The deployment fails complaining -- "the ejb-ref does not have an ejb-link and the JNDI name of the target bean has not been specified. Attempts to automatically link the ejb-ref to its target bean failed because no EJBs in the application were found to implement the XXXXX interface. "
The same thing works with glassfish v3 though.
Somewhere in a blog, I read that including wls.jsf.di.jar in the library would fix the problem . However, it hasn't helped me so far.
Any direction would be appreciated.

Hi ,
My problem is more vendor dependent . I am trying to inject EJB (weblogic 11g ) onto JSF 2.0 managedbean using annotation. However, the deployment fails complaining ejb link not working . It works fine when tried with Glassfish v3 though. Somewhere in a blog , I read that including wls.jsf.di.jar will solve the problem of ejb injection in weblogic but it hasn't helped me so far.
Any direction would be appreciated.

13 years ago
Looks like I need a TreeModel in the managed bean . It is quite different from the richfaces component I was using earlier . Thanks though....
13 years ago
One more option ... instead of using managedBean we can use ejb session bean as a one in JSF 2.0 and EJB 3.1 . That way , we don't need to go through managedbean at all and hence can get rid of the abovementioned shortcomings ....
13 years ago
Thanks Tim...
well thats true ... may be something can be done in Session Listener...

public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) {
HttpSession session = se.getSession();
// codes here...

I believe the data can be collected here just before the session is destroyed... I am focusing more on how not to let the user go back into the previous loggedin mode after the logout (ofcourse it has some tradeoffs)
and I am totally with you on "There's really no way to log out of a BASIC security session except to shut down your browser".

13 years ago

I have developed a logout feature in the JSF 2.0 but without SSL . what I did was to invalidate the session and return it back to the home page . It has worked fine so far...

public String logoutUser() {
try {
HttpSession session = getRequest().getSession(true);
loggedIn = false;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception " + e);
return "homepage";

Here , I have an extra flag called loggedIn to make sure if the user is still logged in .

Hope it helps .


13 years ago
Hi ,
I am trying to come up with a tree representation in Trinidad 2.0.
However, I am not able to create the subnodes in the tree. would be really glad if some one could direct me how to write the managed bean for the tree.

13 years ago