I have a string 'date' with a value "2011-08-10T00:00:00-06:00"(Format:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+timezone). My requirement is to parse the string into the XMLGregorianCalendar where i cannot able to parse the timezone values(-06:00). It throws "NumberFormatException".
'MecInterfaceMDB' is the MDB program where i got the above errors and 'MecClient' is a web service program that is imported as a jar file in 'MecInterfaceMDB'
I wrote a code for renaming a existing file using renameTo().
I have a string "<mid>cbvfjkhgtg<end>
If i found a <mid>tag i need to write the string content "cbvfjkhgtg" in the file.
Once i noticed <end>tag i need to rename the file which was previously written.
The code that i used is :
I cant able to rename the file...
How can i achieve this.....
Please provide the solution ASAP.... Thanks in advance.
I wrote a socket program, which needs to run a shell program in the client-side for every 10secs. The output of the shell program has to be sent to the server.
The problem is in the client-side, where i need to run the shell continuously whithout any break.
For this i used while loop which is set to true. But i cant run the shell program continuously. i noticed that the client side runs for upto 6 or 7times and remains silent.
Here the the following codes:
This code works fine with smaller amount of input. But for larger case it doesn't works.