So this is a headache because I'm working with other people's code and so I'm not as familiar with their work as I would like... In any case, we have component values not being updated in one of the view pages, and I'm trying to determine why. I've added a phase listener to dump the component tree to standard output after each phase, and I noticed something odd...
beforePhase() pe.getPhaseId() = RESTORE_VIEW 1
After Phase RESTORE_VIEW 1
(Rendering Component Tree)
j_id1 (javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot)
j_idt1 (javax.faces.component.UIOutput)
j_idt2 (com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.UIInstructions)
This is the entirety of the output when clicking a button on a page with a number of components, including an inputTextarea (which is supposed to receive the updated value). This tree prints out in the afterPhase() method.
EDIT: Using Mojarra 2.0 with PrimeFaces 3.5
So this tells me that not only is the component tree not being fully built, the lifecycle halts after the afterPhase() method runs for the Restore View phase. Mind you, this is not from the initial page render, where I'd only expect to see Restore View and Render Response. This is from clicking a commandButton. The actionListener works, and runs the associated code in the backing bean, so it must be going at least through the Invoke Application phase, and yet this is all the output I see.
Now, what I'm dreading is going through this app, page by page, not sure what I'm looking for so I'm hoping that this will spark some insight among the more experienced folks here.