Deepakkumar Devarajan

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since Apr 19, 2011
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Recent posts by Deepakkumar Devarajan

Your query string does not need double quotes. Please Remove that and try again , Also please make sure that you are using correct query parameter. This should make it working.
10 years ago
encodeURL() method is used for normal links inside your html pages for e.g.

<a href="<%=response.encodeURL("/National/News.html")%>">New

encodeRedirectURL() is used for links send to response.sendRedirect().

Both these methods are declared in HttpResponse object.
10 years ago

Jeanne Boyarsky,

r.test(s) returns false, though it is part of regex, So i have used html char codes for validating accented characters.
Hi All,

I want to validate a form field which allows alpha numeric characters and only few accented character like á,é,í,ó,ú. I have used the following regex to validate this. But the regex works for alpha numeric characters. It does not work for accented characters. Could you please help.

Eric Pascarello wrote:

Deepakkumar Devarajan wrote:How do I further fetch the values using the keys fetched?

Did you run the example I gave you? The answer is there.


Thanks Eric. I did not notice obj[key]. Thanks a ton for helping... this really helped me. :-)
Thanks For helping.... How do I further fetch the values using the keys fetched? I missed to the coding in code tag..

hi all,

Is it possible to iterate an JSON map object without keys? I have an Json object like the one below

the keys size, color and material are dynamically generated . How to iterate the map by fetching it's keys dynamically?
Hi All,

I have an object of a databean in jsp, I want to populate the values of this databean object in a json object. Is there a possiblity to achieve this? Thanks in adavance for your reply.
@pradeep gamage
Thanks for that solution. This resolved the issue for me in development environment. Is there any other way to resolve this jar conflicts(Giving high precedence to JBoss Jars)?
12 years ago
Hi Bill,

Thanks for the response... I have checked the credentails by seleing "Run As" right clicking on IE. I use the same credentails and proxy that I used for our Third Party SW, it works.
12 years ago

I am getting 407 Soap error when i run a software. I have set the proxy settings for the software. It tries to connect through proxy but I get "Unexpected soap error 407". I knew this is authentication error but I have set the credentials which works fine. what might be the several reasons that cause this issue?

Thanks In Advance,
Deepakkumar Devarajan
12 years ago
Hi Vishal,
Load the JDBC driver first before coonnecting to database. You should have got "No suitable driver" as error message since you have not loaded the driver.

ash chowdary wrote:yes...when i run it in as stand alone java program its executing. but giving exception when am trying it in web application.

I guess you added all Jar files to class path so wen you execute the file using command prompt it executes successfully.

I think you have not added the jar files to the Project Library so when you excute it as a web app, it throws error. If you are using eclipse Right clcik on the project, Select Properties,Select Java Build Path, Select Libaray Tab and then add all the required libraries.

Ankit Chandrawat wrote:I tried putting double quotes around the value of the key and it worked. Thanks. Please explain what is the basic fundamental behind putting double quotes.

If you don't enclose the value(Which has more than one word) of a component in double quotes, the browser consider the second word as an html attribute. I hope you understand, let me know if you don't
13 years ago
So you get the required output for the test 5,6, and 7,8? Please post the Tester Class too .. I'll try to sort the issue.

Note: Please enclose code modules using Code tags in future...
13 years ago