I finally passed with 149/155, very disappointed about the way Sun personnel handled my assignment.
I submitted the assignment and took the essay exam on 7th May. When I did not see anything after the first 20 days, I sent an e-mail to the support only to find out the infamous 'not uploaded' problem and I was told that my assignment would be processed at the earliest with a priority of 'RUSH''!!!. I waited for a while only to find out that I failed and the comment read as "Documentation does not explain how to execute in
local (non-networked) mode. I tried typing "java -jar client.jar", and got an error message because the client was trying to connect to "localhost". God, what a shame !!!. I immediately replied to the support personnel as follows :
"I do have explained clearly how the app should be
executed in local mode, he /she would not have read the line fully as I have made the document 80 characters wide and hence rest of the command line comments should have appeared on the second page. I have given my application JARc (only
executables) to 2 of my colleagues and they did not have any trouble executing the application in any mode".
In fact when I checked my README.txt later it was in one line (68 characters) !!!. 4 days later (06/19 ) I got a reply asking me to check the results again and now I has passed with 149 !!!. This was also the effort of the same assessor !!!. Can anybody believe how lazy or careless this assessor was !!!, I am very very disappointed that the assessor did not even read the README.txt and falied me because of his mistake. Now, I have lost the respect for the SCJD as the marking of it can get as good as the quality of the assessor !!!.
Anyway, I would like to offer my special thanks to Mark, who has never showed any laziness in answering all kinds of questions, and I owe my success to him.
[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Rajesh Matti ]