vladislav peichev

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since Apr 28, 2011
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Recent posts by vladislav peichev

I have an application which loads an applet displaying graphics. On one VMWare virtual machine with Windows 7 32 bit SP1 IE9 the applet does not load and ClassNotFoundException occurs. Does anyone know why does this issue occur and how to fix it. On other VMWare virtual machines with Windows 7 32 and 64 bit this bug is not reproducible. Also on the same machine with Firefox the applet is loaded correctly. Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
See my question above.
13 years ago
I have an applet which displays a warning message using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog. After closing the message box with OK the applet does not get the focus again. Does anyone know how to force the applet to regain the focus. requestFocus and requestFocusInWindow methods don't help. Tried passing the applet or its top level parent frame without success. Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
I have an applet that displays a JOptionPane warning message using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog. After displaying the message and clicking OK my applet does not get the focus again. Is there a way to get it? Tried suggested workaround

tried also requestFocusInWindow but none did help. Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
I have an applet containing a JPanel. In Firefox sometimes if the applet is active but the JPanel and the applet itself do not get key events e.g. Esc key pressed. Is there a way to ensure that the applet gets the key? Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Not like JCheckBox but like JToggleButton. My application uses customized AbstractAction with some additional functionality e.g. enabling or disabling depending on condition so I cannot use the standard JToggleButton. I want my AbstractAction extension to be displayed toggled/untoggled.
13 years ago
Does anyone know an easy way to extend custom AbstractAction extending class with toggle state - the custom implementation is added in a JToolbar and I need it to be shown toggled/untoggled.
Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
This is my function which displays JOptionPane with Warning message in case of self-intersection.

The problem is that after JOptionPane is closed my applet does not gain the focus again, so it cannot capture ESC key pressed and also the applet is not redrawn properly.
13 years ago
Using invokeLater does not help, the same issue still occurs. Any other suggestions?
13 years ago
I have an applet, which displays a drawing and allows user to measure area by drawing lines. When the last drawn line intersects another line I display a JOptionPane with warning message for self-intersection. After the user presses the OK button my applet does not regain the focus, so ESC key cannot be used also the wrong line cannot be removed. Tried requestFocus and requestFocusWindow without success. How to regain focus after JOptionPane is closed? Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
This is not a solution, I need the AbstractAction not to be disabled I need a behaviour similar to JToggleButton. There is some logic in my code which does not allow to use JToggleButton. Is it possible to simulate such behaviour?
13 years ago
Is there a way to extend AbstractAction class including toggled/untoggled state? I have a toolbar with lot of AbstractAction custom implementation and I need this to avoid serious application redesign.
Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
I have a modeless dialog inside an applet. Sometimes the dialog goes behind the browser window. Is there a way to ensure that the dialog is always above the browser window?

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
Is there a way to pass keystrokes e.g. Ctrl + R, Ctrl + P, Ctrl + N to the browser from a running applet? Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
I managed to implement it - I check the user object of the node in my DefaultTreeCellRenderer overriding class and set closed folder icon for the particular node. Thanks for your help.
13 years ago