Tim Nachreiner

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since Apr 28, 2011
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Recent posts by Tim Nachreiner

can you post the jsp code?
What happens when you click 'Submit'?
2 years ago
Here is how I did it.  I think you are missing @ModelAttribute

4 years ago
Years ago I saw a Thymeleaf demo that threw the White Label error because an html tag wasn't properly closed.  Thymeleaf is really picky about that.  I see you don't have a closing Form tag.  Try adding one; and also check to make sure every element has a closing tag.
4 years ago
All your datasources will be created when the app first loads, via component scan.  You just won't be able to 'open' the secondary datasource until you get the credentials from the first datasource.
4 years ago
I was taught that the bindingResult parameter should always follow the parameter annotated with @Valid.  Might want to swap the order of your last two parameters.
4 years ago
Probably not a good idea to make your Bean ID with spaces in it: jsp view resolver.   Try making it one word: view-resolver or viewresolver.
5 years ago
This link may be of interest to you, especially item 4:    https://www.baeldung.com/spring-postconstruct-predestroy
5 years ago
Can you run your unit tests without this "extra" .xml file?
Sometimes a different .xml file is created for unit testing.
5 years ago
I'm assuming you have an architecture like this: TodoController ==> TodoService ==> TodoDao.
If so, TodoController should handle all CRUD operations on your Todo entity.  Why would you have another controller that performs CRUD operations on the Todo entity?

If you DID have another controller that performed CRUD operations on the Todo entity, that controller could still use the TodoService and TodoDao layers; eliminating the need for duplicate code.

I get the feeling you are looking for a 'Spring-based' solution to your problem in order to learn Spring, but based on your requirements, a database trigger on the Todo table may be more appropriate.
5 years ago
6 years ago
What tool are you using to develop the Angular piece?
6 years ago
I viewed your source code and was impressed.
Is this a tutorial you are following?
If so, would you share the link?
6 years ago