Adnan Gondal

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since Apr 30, 2011
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Recent posts by Adnan Gondal

I am calling java script from java using the DWR mechanism with below code It is executing successfully but the input field's background(element having id isTreeUpdatedButton) color is not updating, and an alert comes saying "invalid assignment left-hand side" when above code is executed.
10 years ago
The question is that does JSF facelets effect browser horizontal scrolling behavior? I made a simple web page in Icefaces without JSF facelets, on this page browser horizontal scroll bar gets enable automatically when width of page content is greater than window on resizing windows. But in case of a page using JSF facelets browser scroll bar don't get enable automatically when width of page content is greater than window on resizing windows. I am working in JSF1.2 and using IE8. Any idea please?
12 years ago
I am unable to get value using that is I am unable to correctly access value attribute of . In data table value is coming in this form java.stringa34567 whereas it should be "MCS", "MS" or "PHD". I am accessing it in this way. Please help?




13 years ago
I added a new Web sphere version 6.0 server in RAD but when I try to start it. It does not start and an error message displays that server could not started see console for details but console is empty.
13 years ago
Hi all!

I'm trying to make hello world EJB2.1 application in RAD6 with Web sphere application server. But i'm unable to understand that which file i've to edit in RAD6 for doing changes that we do in jboss.xml while using jboss.

Some lines of codes from jboss.xml:-

In one JSF page i am setting value of selectOneRadio in a data member of a bean and getting this value in another JSF page. But when i get that bean's data member value, it gives false. Kindly tell me what is going wrong?



13 years ago
Hi all!

I am having two questions, kindly answer them.

Q1: Can we have data members with default access modifier in a java Bean?

Q2: Is it must to provide getter and setter methods for all the properties of a java bean or we can skip one if we don't need it?
13 years ago
Yesterday i was using oracle 9.1 with ojdbc 14 jdbc driver with following code for adding employee, it was working fine but now i am using oracle with ojdbc14 but now it is giving following error

ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor error

Following is code for adding employee

Today i installed windows xp 2002 service pack2, eclipse was working fine on previous same window but now when i run eclipse it gives "version 1.4.2_03 is not suitable for this product.1.5 or greater is required" message and does not run. For checking my version of jvm, i visited and clicked upon free java download button, it verified that i am having recommended java installed(1.6.0_27-ea) but eclipse is giving above mentioned message.Kindly tell me that what should i do?

Thanks in advance
13 years ago
I am displaying values from database table using h:datatable, one tupple is displaying in one row of jsf page but i want to display every field in seperate row of jsf page. How can i achieve this?

Thanks in advance.

I am having the following code in jsf page.

13 years ago
How can we use servlet in h:graphicImage?
13 years ago
I want to store and retrieve images to/from database using java beans, which data type should be used for this purpose?
13 years ago
Can anyone please give me some code example or link of article explaining that how can i insert and view images to/from oracle using jsf?

Thanks in advance.
13 years ago
HI all!

Can we use two quries in one method while using prepared statement, i have tried using this but invalid column name exception is comeing. Any idea please?

My code snippets is as follows.