Jared Malcolm

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since May 02, 2011
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Recent posts by Jared Malcolm

Jk Robbins wrote:That looks like a good possibility. For the price, it's worth a shot, but isn't bluetooth limited to a range of about 6 to 10 feet? I may need something that runs on the wireless network instead of bluetooth.

Up to 33ft if I remember correctly. For me the key to BT sounding good is make sure there is nothing between the source and the receiver...
12 years ago
I've read the FAQ: InterfaceVSAbstract

I'm mainly curious when you are designing a new piece of software what is it that tell you do design an Interface vs just building a class and using it? I'm familiar with the use, but I'm still new at designing my own pieces of software and still am just not sure what I should look for as to when I should design and Interface to Implement vs a class to use...

Again, I'm aware of HOW I just don't have the WHEN...
12 years ago
Why not just get a Bluetooth Receiver (Logitech Wireless Speaker Adapter for Bluetooth Audio Devices) as they are relatively inexpensive and it will allow you to use your Tablet OR Phone depending on what you are using at the time...
12 years ago

Geoffrey Blackberry wrote:Based on my statistics, obtained from www.plagiarismdetection.org, over 40% of students plagiarize on a regular basis. It is a horrifying number!
<a href="http://www.plagiarismdetection.org">PlagiarismDetection.org</a>

Dead thread also the html tags used should be in the form of
13 years ago
This is just a personal opinion, but I'd recommend Netbeans for building the gui (unless your just wanting to learn to build the gui). It's a simple drag and drop system and allows you to focus on the backend logic. Will still require you to understand HOW the gui works, but not the intricacies of HOW to setup the gui. Again, this all goes back to how much of GUI design/coding you want to learn.

When I was in my Java class I used this simply because for my instructor it was much less how to build a gui and more how to work with the information (we used derby as well).
13 years ago

Dotan Cohen wrote:

You don't really need to have the two lines in main....you can simply call the constructor for the class and then split the work from there.

For me I've always preferred this approach to instantiating the class to a variable name....just instantiate the object and use the constructor for splitting the work from there. I find this way to require minimal extra coding... plus removes concerns about calling a non-static method/variable/whatever.

For the reason(s)....
You shouldn't be making everything static....which is what you'd need to do in order to use main for everything.
It's not how people code on a job (why your learning correct?)
Once you've gotten into using multiple objects/etc this will become more apparent, but the simple answer is that it's how it needs/should be done.

In regards to using more memory....completely 100% pointless comment considering today's hardware. (Not saying that to be rude by any means so please don't take it that way it's just not a valid point to make any longer).
13 years ago
I like that. Truth be told I used that sorting in my C# class in college simply to get done with the silly test...it worked I passed didn't use it again. Like I said there was no possibility in the application it was used in. I do like the implementation that you provided though. Doesn't look like it will take that much extra time if any then setting up and enum + the if/else/switch/whatever to determine how to do the sorting.
13 years ago

Matthew Brown wrote:I hope you never use that in a multi-threaded environment!

nah just desktop app....since we've yet to see any code from the original poster one can only assume.
13 years ago
.....I always just used the standard compare method, but used a static variable that defaulted to "x".....but could be set to any other sort that I wanted to make based on whatever I set the variable to...

sloppy sudo code here

Please keep in mind that this was just a quick down and dirty example, but allows you to do the default sort option only, but just set a variable to determine the sort. I usually setup an enum for the sorting variable.
13 years ago

dylan terry wrote: As a hint he says to use nested loops?

I don't see where you've followed his hint first off.....
13 years ago
There was no question it was just listed in the book as an assignment operator and I had not seen it used.... So your saying....

Is the same as....

13 years ago
Can anyone explain this to me? Studying for the SCJP and ran across this and couldn't seem to find it used in code.... Anyone mind giving a description and a short code example?
13 years ago
Gotcha, I generally go the inner class route for most of my coding and like I said this concern was brought up in a book/website (don't remember) that was dealing with GWT/web apps and I was quite curious about the relevance to a desktop app.
13 years ago
Please correct me if I'm wrong (I probably am), but I thought excessive use of the anonymous inner classes could cause a performance hit. Granted I read this when referring to GWT, but would this apply when referring to an application?
13 years ago

Guy Rich wrote:2) Does the "path" parameter require the "double" backslash ?

My recommendation......use the "/" and don't worry about it. Using the forward slash (like in linux) allows Java to determine what the OS needs (Java will convert to a "\" if the os requires it).
13 years ago